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Posts posted by Hereward

  1. Thanks for that elucidation Peter. I shall redouble my efforts to avoid this mistake then, along with the innumerable other things that playing this instrument demands. I shall then try to get an honest assessment from someone about the musicality of what I'm playing. Come to think of it, my wife doesn't pull any punches and will give me just such an answer if I ask her; and she is a musician, which is more than I can claim at the moment.

  2. I just bought an English tenor because I saw Pete Wood recently in London using one as he sang. I can't play none too well yet but it gives me something to aim at. He did point out to me that it is easier to learn when one is young, which is no doubt true. However, hopefully I'll have a few years yet to succeed in this aim, and I have fallen in love with this instrument.


    Best of luck finding the right concertina for you Wellsy.

  3. I agree with you here Jody that I would also like to have a chance to hear a concertina tuned to 1/5 comma meantone and make up my own mind as to its use for my purposes; although buying another instrument or having mine re-tuned (less likely) would stretch my finances somewhat.

  4. I'm pretty much a beginner too because I gave up after buying my instrument and then waited a few years before giving it another bash. This time I'm sticking with it.


    Another idea might be to go to a music shop which has different instruments or, if you're lucky enough to know people with concertinas, to visit them, and then try them out and see what you make of them. Not easy I guess but worth venturing.

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