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Posts posted by LDT

  1. So I've got a hard case for my concertina but sometimes its a bit awkward to carry around. Anyway I was looking for a bag for my craft stuff and this thing popped up.

    Craft bag

    It looks like it might be the right size and shape to carry a concertina with extra pockets etc. For other things.

    What do you think?

  2. 17 minutes ago, alex_holden said:

    In the top right of the page you should see your username with an arrowhead pointing down. Click on that and a menu should drop down with "Sign Out" at the bottom.

    It wasn't showing on my tablet. Until I turned it landscape.

    Doesn't work at any orientation on my phone.

    Must be its not formatted for android?

  3. I only managed to sign in by accident and now I can't sign out the forum.

    There's nothing the header, footer on the edit profile page to say sign out or sign in.




    I'm not exactly a tech novice. I'm on other forums using the same host software as this one and its got a sign in/out option in the header.

  4. I get psoriasis on back of my neck/hairline (I know different area sam kinda problem). I find that washing with cold tar soap helps as soap seems ot dry out my skin usually. I have tried different creams but not found them practical nor very effective. The best results I've had are from oils. I've just recently purchased one from bodyshop that I'm going to try. Its supposed to be for making your face skin soft...so will let oyu know if its any good.

  5. Okay so your gonna think this rather random. But could someone point me to images of some edwardian people with concertinas?

    Why? you might ask (especially when I've been so quiet lately). Well I have this cunning plan...involving a concertina, busking and dressing in costume. I've rather got into sewing particually of the historical kind lately.


    As you can see I have started with the blouse. ;)

  6. well this thread lasted pretty long before drifting ;)


    I call mine a squeezebox...people find it hard enough to comprehend melodeons and concertinas have different names let alone blowing thier minds with concept that there are severall different kinds of concertina.


    Well here are that last videos I did of my playing (in what I call) octaves. ;)




    really need to do an update.

    The use of the chords on the first one works very well. I have been stuck in oom-pah mode for a while., so I never thought doing it this way.

    On the second one, I like the way the chords come in as it progresses.

    Thank you. :) Glad you like it and its given you ideas.

  8. Lovely arrangements! You're selling yourself way too short. Your playing, much like Andy Turner's, is proof you don't always need fistfulls of chords to play beautifully. Simple can be quite effective, and your use of octaves helps keep the melody in the forefront. I sense a little hesitancy in your playing, so just keep after it with more and more confidence and expression - you've already got a great sense of accompaniment!



    Aww, thanks for the nice complement. I'm glad someone like my playing. :)

  9. I don't really play Irish music its never really appealed to me...I like some of the Irish tunes just prefer to play them in an english sounding 'style'*....but then I couldn't say I play mainly English Trad on the concertina coz the concertina I play anything that takes my fancy on. Usually songs TBH. Anything from pop to hymns to music hall to jazz (well I tried that once. lol) even gave a few tv themes a go. I play what I like and I like what I play. ;)


    * disclaimer: I refuse to argue over what is or isn't Irish/english style or tunes so take that as you will.

  10. For octave playing it's good to study the old players like Scan Tester, and you should definitely check out Dan Worrall's recent digital CD book "House Dance" which is full of tunes and music and history about playing in the octave style.



    I was at ECMW when he did a talk on it. :)

    I was the only one who could do octaves who didn't say I'd studied scan tester or players from the past. lol!


    It's your instrument, and you can do what you like with it, for whatever reason you like. But if you want folks to enjoy hearing you play, you're going to have to learn a little about how music works.



    I don't play for others to enjoy hearing if I did I'd have given up years ago. Coz I must have different ears to everyone else. What I like everyone else hates and what I hate everyone else likes.

    This is another reason I don't play in public. I like what I play. Melodeon yep I'll play that in front of others but concertina....nah! That's just for me. :)

  12. I play in octaves precisely because I can't make my own chords coz I'm too dumb (no matter how many times its explained) to do them. And when people talk 3rds, 5ths and 6ths I just glaze over. If I want chords I'll use the ready made ones on the melodeon. ;)

    I don't think I play this note on the right so I play this one on the left because its mathmatically correct. I go I press this button on the right so I'll jab buttons on same row on the left and pick one that sounds nice.

  13. When you ask about playing in octaves, I'm taking it to mean either shifting the pitch of a tune by an octave, or simultaneously playing two notes an octave apart. I don't do a lot of it, but do play a few tunes in octaves. Most recently I learned to play Tom Ward's Downfall from one of Noel Hill's CDs and following his example, I often play some or all of the second part in simultaneous octaves and sometimes shift the single note pitch down an octave. I'm playing it in fingering for the key of G, but frequently use an A/E tuned concertina so the pitch is dropped. Don't dwell on that last part though, it isn't really a factor for this topic.


    As to what is hard about octave playing, one has to stay in the range of the available tones and find fingering that flows. I don't think I currently play anything that drops below the lowest G for the low octave and I either skip certain notes or adjust the choice of buttons to fit the need. For example, I'd normally "pull" mid-range C's and E's on the G row, but have to shift to push them on the C row if I'm going to twin them with the lower octave. If I'm going to simply shift part of the tune down an octave and play in single tones then it doesn't make much difference.


    I think of it like writing your name backwards in a mirror. So the left hand reflects the righthand.

    I like to play in C mainly and also G. But its just finding tunes that don't go up to and beyond the high A on the right hand. Or so low that I have to drop onto the left hand.

  14. I've had a break from the concertina, but now am getting back to it (I was stolen away by the melodeon. lol). I've always found it awkward to play the concertina with other people as I find myself playing completely different tunes to everyone else. And what I find hard others find easy and vice versa.


    So does anyone else here play in octaves? What instrument (key etc.) do you play? What tunes do you find easy and what do you find hard?


    I have a C/G anglo.



    I see the Tune-O-Tron has now gone thanks to the activities of spammers, what on earth do they get out of ruining such a good resource? :(

    its real shame is it was my 'go to' place for ABC conversion.


    btw. yep I've been away for a while from cnet, but I'm back. lol


    Um, the Convert-o-Matic is still there, you know.


    And welcome back. =)

    Thanks. :)


    'spam in the tune-o-tron' would be a great title for a tune. lol

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