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Simon H

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Posts posted by Simon H

  1. Here's a 64 button Aeola English TT.

    First attempt at this so I'm sure others can improve on the English layouts.

    Note the bottom left hand button on e left side which would be D#/Eb has been modified in the past to provide a low B/A.


    >>>>> >> E♭ D F F♯

    >>>>> >> A♭ G B B♭

    >>>>> >> C♯ C E E♭

    >>>>> >> F♯ F A A♭

    >>>>> >> B♭ B D E♭

    >>>>> >> E♭ E G A♭

    >>>>> >> A♭ A C C♯

    >>>>> >> B D F F♯

    = Right Hand



    >>>>> >> >> G

    >>>>> >> C♯ C E

    >>>>> >> F♯ F A A♭

    >>>>> >> B♭ B D E♭

    >>>>> >> E♭ E G A♭

    >>>>> >> A♭ A C C♯

    >>>>> >> E♭ D F F♯

    >>>>> >> A♭ G B B♭

    >>>>> >> C♯ C E E♭



    Love this tool, it would be nice to be able to space the rows in stepped fashion in the way the English keyboard is. Also the nice Graphics for push and pull would look very nice if available as Left hand/ Right hand.



  2. "eBay comes with lots of baggage."


    I've bought and sold ( mostly bought) over 200 items on eBay. Not a single problem. That's not to say people aren't scammed on ebay but it is not the wild west that so many people who don't use it seem to think it is. Amongst the items I've bought have been some high value items including a couple of concertinas. It makes sense to avoid people who want to circumvent the normal payment methods, people who want you to make separate paying arrangements. People with no feedback, or several negative feedbacks.


    It is about using your common sense. There are no total bargains on valuable items like concertinas on eBay. They almost always find their market value. If someone wants to sell you a Wheatstone Aeola for silly money as a buy-it-now on eBay, you will be a silly person to buy it without some very careful work.



  3. Great fan of your app and using it with Thumbjam is great. The icing on the cake is the concertina patch. Great work Michael. We can now practice anywhere. The fingering of tunes played in these apps of Michaels builds the memory for playing on the real instrument. So it makes these apps a real boon for learning.


    Worth noting for those of you with midi concertinas, it is simple to hook up your concertina to the iPad and play these software apps like Thumbjam. There is even Animoog, a full featured Moog synthesiser. At least 50 apps have CoreMidi connectivity.



  4. I found this notebook with a metalliised foil cover in a very nice design. This was in WH Smith. A great notebook for tunes to take along to sessions. Looks lovely next to the concertina. I put a coat of varnish on my notebook and it really brought out the lustre

    p9FXO.jpg sorry the picture is so dark, I wanted to catch the shiny effect.


    If anyone is interested you can find them online Amazon or EBay. Search Paperblanks silver filigree


    Here's a page with their range: http://www.lovenotebooks.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=33_142


    Just thought it was a nice gift item for a concertina lover.



  5. Sorry to jump in on this but for anyone with a midi concertina IOS devices, iPad, and iPhones are a dream interface to use. Either using the camera connection kit and midi to USB, or a specific interface which plugs straight into the iPad such as the iRig Midi. There are so many apps that will take midi feed, a bunch of synthesisers, music training apps etc. I have an S-wave midi concertina and being able to play it on the iPad has breathed new life into playing it. If anyone wants more info on implementing midi concertinas on iPhone and iPad, I'd be happy to start up a thread to explain more fully.



  6. People are just starting to realise that while churches are getting less and less use, the buildings contain these amazing instruments. The Cavaillé Coll organs are just amazing, and the monsters like the one in Ouen Abbey, Rouen are just awe inspiring. Hearing it play Saint Saens 3rd symphony is an epiphany even on YouTube from tinny speakers.




    What all this has to do with concertinas, I don't know, but these organs are a particular passion for me so I welcome the chance to comment. Must get that DVD .



  7. Okaaay.


    How about this clip then??


    Said to be written by S. MORISON. No closer to finding any dots tough!!



    Aye that's the one.

    I like that the credits say it was found as free sheet music on the web, address now lost...


    Proving elusive. I've got much of it by ear now but I'm not up to notating it.


  8. Here's a link to a U-tube clip.


    Is that the one?? There's a link in the blurb for the dots



    No - its the one used as the background to this video

    It's by the Tannahill Weavers and appear as The Unicorn set along with Trip to Pakistan on their album Capernaum. It's proving tricky to find, for such a lovely tune.

    thanks for trying.


  9. Just resurrecting a 9 year old thread,

    I've been searching everywhere for ABC or a score for this beautiful tune. All the usual sources drew a blank. ABC searches have drawn a blank. The Sessioneer website mentioned in this thread no longer exists. Any one got a copy or can point me to it? There are tunes out there called The Unicorn which are not the one.




    Edit: sorry this came up in the general thread, should be moved to tunes thread.

  10. The anti fungal foot spray is not a powder spray, that would be asking for clogging up reeds. It is a fine mist that if you just lightly spray will sweeten things right away. As long as you lightly mist and allow to dry before further application it will do no damage.


    Really I think this is the magic bullet.

  11. Tunebook is fine if you can get a big resource of ABC's imported into its storage area. I spent an hour importing collections into it ended up with several thousand tunes. From there I used it as a searchable database to draw tunes into my own smaller tunebooks. That way I could find the tunes I want and use the big database to find tunes. Tunebook needs a bit of skill managing and creating sets etc but it has some nifty aspects to it. On an iPad it is a great resource.. With Tunepal alongside it we have a resource for traditional music unthought of 10 years ago. By the way, for those geeky enough to have an interst in these things TEFpad is another app that handles ABC and has a whole lot of other aspects to it that makes it quite interesting, including the ability to display tablature, something I was hoping Tunebook and Tunepal would do.

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