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Posts posted by PaddyLosty

  1. I bought a new Kensington last fall. The wait for me was just under 6 years, and the price was $3500. The concertina is fantastic. The lower price is reflected by the long wait, and there are few if any options aside from fitting the palm rests to your hands. Dana is extremely helpful and good to deal with. The tone is very full and warm, and the reed response is great.


    The wait may not be quite as long if you get on the list now, as I think he wasn't making many instruments for a time, but seems to be in full swing now.


    I've been surprised at the low prices that the last few used Kensington's have gone for on here - the instrument is far better than any hybrid I've played that cost just a few hundred less, and the action and reeds are better than any comparatively priced Lachenal that I've encountered. I think they just aren't known enough outside of the U.S, and Dana really needs to update his website!

  2. I have to sell this concertina to help with a new instrument I have coming soon.


    112680, approx 1890, rosewood ends, bone buttons, 20 key C/G. It was restored by Chris Algar in 2005.


    This instrument is very responsive and plays great. The tuning is good; new pads; bellows are in excellent shape.


    It is the same instrument as previously sold here:



    I've been playing it for over a year, and I've found it to be a great instrument between a starter and a high end instrument, and I vastly prefer its sound to the hybrid which I previously had (and traded partially for this instrument). I play Irish music, and had no trouble finding many tunes which work fine on the 20 button. If I hadn't joined a waiting list for a top-end instrument before I got a hold of this one, I'd likely just keep it.







    Price reduced to $800 (NOW SOLD) US Dollars and I will include a Pelican/Storm case. I'm happy to ship overseas if buyer covers cost of shipping, I can ship FedEx Air right out of Thunder Bay airport.







    Located in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.

  3. That should help potential buyers. If you were nearby I'd consider it, but I'd have to play such an instrument before committing. You should have no trouble selling it in Ireland, be sure to go to Custy's in Ennis.

  4. Still for sale, dropping the price to $275CDN or $325 with a hardshell case similar to a pelican (though not quite a pelican). The case is too big for my Edgley but would fit the Rochelle perfectly. It's watertight and indestructable.


    PM me on this site, but be sure not to email through the site as it goes to an old email which I don't have anymore. Or just respond in the thread and I'll get back to you.



  5. I have a like-new Rochelle anglo (C/G wheatstone) that I played for a few months while waiting for my Edgley. It's nicely played in and in pristine condition. Includes the case and I'll throw in the Mad for Trad concertina tutorial CD rom if you want.


    $300 dollars plus shipping, delivery is possible between Halifax and Ontario as I'll be driving home at Christmas. After shipping and duties this cost close to $450 so if you're in Canada this is a good chance to save some dough! Pm Me!



  6. After going through a concertina-shaped object and a rather playable and nice Rochelle, I finally bit the bullet and ordered an Edgley concertina after meeting him at the Chris Langan Weekend in Toronto and being thoroughly impressed with his instruments. I didn't think I could afford it at the time, but I knew if I kept putting it off due to that I'd never end up getting one, so I put in my order and saved all I could over the 6 month wait. It arrived just recently, right as I'd squirreled away the last few hundred bucks. To say I'm quite pleased with it is an understatement. The tone is extremely sweet, and the button action is incredibly quick. I've played many of the hybrids, as well as many high-end concertinas and the action on this one is among the best I've tried. I've learned as many tunes on it in the few weeks that I've had it as I did on the Rochelle in two years. Good job Frank!

  7. Ive heard at least two concertina players with very expensive concertinas who could hardly play them, and I know several much better players who are still playing hybrids because they suit them just fine. I notice the same thing on many instruments, the people with the most expensive, best instruments are rarely the best players. Perhaps a 3 million dollar strad is a different story.

  8. David, you met a young fellow at the Midwest Fleadh who approaches a level of virtuosity already and is only 19. Asher Perkins, who placed first in the concertina competition, as well as button accordion. I know him very well, and while he isn't very flashy or showy for the most part, he is the only concertina player I've ever met who can transpose on the fly, play chromatically and all that jazzy stuff. But he doesn't, because it doesn't sound all that good, and he is much more interested in phrasing and articulation than being a virtuoso. Simply because he started playing at a very young age, and developed his own fingering system based on logic and not necessarily by adopting the fingering of another player. His bellows control is extremely sensitive, and is becoming more so every time I see him. So, there are good players out there, they just aren't all famous.

  9. Most instruction for ITM on the concertina is given for the C/G layout, both in books and in groups at festivals etc. Then you'll have to decide on the layout of the accidentals which is the third row. There are two options, basically a Jeffries layout or a wheatstone layout. This doesn't matter that much and someones preference usually depends on which concertina you manage to pick up first. Much has already been written on the forum about this so you can hunt the details pretty quickly.....


    In Ireland it's mostly the jeffries layout that's wanted, with C# on the outer row, right hand, both on push and on pull, the wheatstone layout doesn´t have that...



    For a beginner it really doesn't matter, and is easy to adapt to later. Some of the best Irish players prefer the Wheatstone layout. I do believe Bob Tedrow has Rochelles in Jeffries tuning for a little bit extra though.

  10. Fiddle and concertina is my favourite combo, seconded by button accordion and concertina, or fiddle and button accordion. I I guess I'm lucky to play concertina and fiddle, and my girlfriend plays the box!


    Can't argue with

    or this


    What I particularly like is the blending of the melody, but the subtle differences in phrasing and articulation (ornamentation) of the melody between the two instruments.

  11. People ask me all the time if the concdertina is hard. Not at all, I tell them. You just have to put your fingers in the right place.
    correct,youalso have to listen to yoursound and learn finger attack and bellows control. :ph34r: :rolleyes: :lol:

    :P but compared to the fiddle the intonation is easy


    Playing both fiddle and concertina is interesting to say the least. The fiddle is difficult to begin on, as intonation is tricky to learn and the first while is rough going. However once you've gotten to a certain point on the fiddle it seems to get easy. Intonation doesn't take much thought and there is only one possibility for note layout. It becomes all about style after that. On the other hand, I found the concertina easy to learn the first few tunes on, but digging deeper and learning more tunes, it really doesn't get a whole lot easier. Completely different learning curve. I enjoy the puzzle of learning tunes on the concertina, but I can be much more expressive on the fiddle. For now anyways.

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