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Posts posted by gypsea

  1. On 7/12/2022 at 4:31 PM, papawemba said:

    Ha ha that's kind of cheating gypsea...that's a norwegian cat which are super cuddly and affectionate 😉

    With my previous cat, claws where sharper than ever 🙂 I had to change room or lock him outside...


    I’m actually not sure on breed, got him from the pound when he was just a wee lad. But you’re not the first to suggest Norwegian forest cat, it’s possible! He is super affectionate, but not generally very snuggly. The only time he tends to get on my lap is when I’m playing 

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  2. 9 hours ago, Fanie said:

    My cat also likes music. When I start playing, he jumps on my lap and rubs himself against the concertina. When I play harmonica he rubs his nose against the back of the harmonica, as if he is helping to play.

    My sister has a cat that attacks her when she plays on the old peddle organ.

    I have wondered, do they really like the music, or does the sound irritate their ears?

    I’ve often wondered that too, but he’s an indoor/outdoor cat so I assume he’d leave if it bothered him too much. He certainly seems to like it! 


  3. 2 hours ago, Geoff Wooff said:

    I  used to  have a  cat  that  would  climb  onto my  lap  to  sit  behind  the  concertina  as I  played,  she  would  also  try  to look into  the  ends,  I  assume  she  was  waiting  for  the  squeeking mouse to  come out.I  could  never  tell  if  she liked  the sounds  or not.


    My  dog  used to  howl and  sing  with  the  Concertina  ,  never minded  the  Accordéon  but  really  hated  my  attempts  at  playing  the  Hurdy Gurdy.  She  would  try  to  stop  my  hand  rotating  the  handle...  but  all this  has  probably  contributed  to a  degree of  deafness  and  no  attempts  at  escape  on her part  occur  unless  we have band practice  in the  kitchen.

    The hurdy gurdy is definitely an acquired taste! My pup will occasionally howl along with the concertina, but not in a satisfied way (more of a “please let me out of this house” kind of way)

  4. Anyone else have a cat that loves the concertina? He could be fast asleep across the house, the moment I start to play he comes to find me. Granted, it might be because he knows I won’t be going anywhere for a while & am likely to give him lots of love, but still very easily the number one fan of all my sessions. How do your animal friends feel about the concertina? B210FCFB-AC4F-4496-BA6F-D9C7CFA3DD40.thumb.jpeg.7c9c36939969462a21d5bf8890071e97.jpeg

  5. 6 minutes ago, SIMON GABRIELOW said:

    I am beginning to wonder if I should have set this topic! As it's getting very alternative in its intended approach to subject set!


    Hey now, you asked how the instrument affects the musician. This is what the concertina has done to me Simon! The transformation to surly old sea wench has begun (and I wouldn’t have it any other way)

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  6. Since starting the concertina I’ve taken a headlong fall into a rabbit hole of nautical nonsense. It started with shanties, but has quickly progressed into knot tying, visits to the river and reading lots & lots of Melville (amongst others). Prior to this the guitar was my main instrument, but I relied pretty heavily on my voice to carry the song along. Not so with the concertina, I can hardly do both at once. Focusing on just the instrument has definitely helped my understanding of musical notation & theory, but I still have a lot to learn. It’s been quite the trip! Very fond of my second set of lungs, more so every day. 

  7. My biggest problem is knowing which chords/notes on the left go well with what I’m doing on the right. Gary’s book Christmas Concertina has really been helping me along (thanks Gary!!). The arrangements are great & being pretty familiar with the songs makes it easier to focus on the rhythm 

  8. 12 hours ago, SIMON GABRIELOW said:

    …maybe the reedy sound inspired you without realising later on to go for free Reed instrument

    That’s an interesting thought, there may be something to it! My first instrument was actually the clarinet, as it was the closest thing to a bassoon that they’d let me play in elementary school, haha. 20 years later and we’re back to the reeds. Funny to think of it as a familial trait and consider the nature/nurture aspect of it, whether it’s the positive experiences like these that fuel our affinity or if there is actually something in us that makes certain people more naturally skilled or drawn towards music 

  9. I’m a first generation concertina/squeezebox player, but I get music from both sides. My Dad plays guitar, my mother piano, my uncle the violin, and my grandfather the bassoon. Some of my earliest memories involve sitting in his den while he practiced his part for Peter & the Wolf

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