Hi, I own a Wheatstone Concertina, 48 buttons, serial number 34518. I am thinking of selling it.
I am not a concertina player and doubt i ever going to be. How ever lovely instrument the concertina is.
If i am correct this would be made in the late 1930s? Not quite golden age but pre WW2. If it makes any difference in quality?
It is in good condition the bellow looks and seems good. One button/reed is silent when pushed. Another one is out of key. So it will need a service to perform at its best.
How much service is required and where and what would it cost if anyone have any ideas? Are there standard fees like with brass instruments?
I tried to figure out the tuning with a Iphone chromatic tuner. The first row on the right side should be Db, C, E, D, Eb.
So my final question is if anyone here is interested and what would it be worth/willing to pay for it?
The Concertina is located in Sweden.
Best regards,