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Posts posted by Rhomylly

  1. Well, actually I'm at the public library in Palestine.


    When my 15 more minutes of computer time is up, I will try to check in at the hotel.


    And then I shall go seeking my fellow squeezers.


    Seriously, the town is adorable, everything is already green, and everyone has been very helpful and friendly, especially the overly-helpful folks at the Palestine Visitors' Center.


    I'm sure someone will make sure y'all are kept up-to-date over the next couple days.

  2. The first, from 1897, compares (unfavorably) the fervent playing of unending hymns on concertina by an officer in a prayer meeting to use of Buddhist praying wheels. Reminded me of Rhomylly's recent troubles in New Mexico (reported by her on the Forum) using her concertina for meditation. Rhomylly, are you this rowdy? :lol:


    Only when people write bad articles about me damning me to hell!

  3. I freeze up when playing (or singing) in front of friends, but I don't -- as much -- if the audience is total strangers.


    I expect friends and family to be more critical (as the child of not one but two music teachers, it's not an unreasonable expectation), or to at least know how the music is supposed to go. Strangers may or may not know that.

  4. I just got an email from an Irish bouzouki player who lives about 20 miles from me, about getting together to jam.


    Um, how do you pronounce bouzouki? I've been saying boo-ZOO-key. Is that right?


    This is probably the only place I could ask and a) have people know the answer who B) won't laugh too hard at me.

  5. I had a similar experience once. I'd bid on an Edgley (this was before I had mine), didn't win it, and got quite a convincing email a day later from someone I'd never heard from before saying they had an Edgley just like the one I'd bid on that they'd let me have for the selling price.


    I forwarded it to ebay and to Frank, both of whom confirmed it was a scam.


    I sure to hate to see people taken in like this, though...

  6. Ah yes, Spring.


    When a young man's fancy turns to love, and traditional Irish musicians grind their teeth in an effort to drown out the requests for "When Irish Eyes are Smilin'"


    I've moved my usual Saturday night gig at a local Hastings Bookstore coffeeshop to Friday to accomodate the holiday. Why, I don't know, since New Mexico is ranked 49 in a poll of "states that have the most descendents of Irish immigrants as residents."


    Hawaii is 50.


    The coffeeshop, it should be noted, has been coloring the whipped cream a hideous shade of green for weeks.


    Guess it beats green beer.


    So, what's your St. Pat's gig?

  7. My wife is a spinner and keeps threatening to do that. They mix the samoyed hair with wool.


    But I don't need for her to knit me a dog sweater; with those two, everything I own is already covered in dog fur.


    Sadly, that is not a Samoyed-specific trait.


    Nope, I haven't been to Glen Echo since January 2000. I would love to see it restored to its full glory!

  8. Jim, the photo at Glen Echo with the carousel in the background really makes me homesick!


    I shall toast the demise of Bluemont Morris. I and my team (also now defunct, alas) were regulars at the Ale in the early to mid '80's. I shall carry a scar on my left middle fingertip for the rest of my life due to a sewing accident trying to finish something to wear to the Saturday night dance at the 1982 Ale. Somewhere there are photos of me dancing across from Alistair Brown (Thames Valley) at a mass dance with a big ole' bandage to protect the stitches...


    Now *I* want to go play at the George!!


    Edited to add: Jim, are those dogs eskies? They're lovely!

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