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Posts posted by maki




    Thanks Maki… :)

    I just remembered that my wife uses a musical instrument humidifier when she

    cases her mandolin. Usually we leave our instruments out, but when we have

    Santa Ana winds, which are extremely dry winds from an interior high, they all get

    put away with humidifiers.

    She bought the Oasis brand but we recently read on line that they can leak, so we put

    them in open zip lock bags. There are other products.

  2. Well, I received my Rochelle last week and wow! what a difference! The buttons handle more smoothly (and are smaller), the bellow is SO much easier to draw. The only thing I'm missing are the snap-on side-straps that my other concertina has but you can't get everything..

    Congratulations! Happy squeezing!

  3. I was very fortunate to buy a used Marcus Concertina as my first 'tina.

    While I don't have any thing to compare it to, I can say that I just love it.

    Another local player thought well of it and called it a "lifetime instrumnet".

    It has great sound, dynamic range, and a lovely quick action.


    The only thing I didn't like was the height of the hand rests.

    I had been using foam pipe insulation which helped, but was less than ideal.

    Mine were about 3/4" high and I needed almost double that.

    So a few emails with Dave Cox of Marcus Concertinas and

    I now have the hand rests I need.

    The new rests are a perfect match, with a georgeous ebonized color and Frech polish.


    Great Concertina and great service.

    Just wish I knew how to share photos from my Kindle.

    Also, I'm going to need a new case. :lol:

  4. So I have the Mary McNamara cd Blackberry Blossom and the first tune is Shandon Bells.

    I got these ABCs from The Session but it can't get it to convert to dots on the Tune-O-Tronic.


    No image available -- there's probably a error in the ABC source causing the conversion to fail.




    Any idea how to make this work? I have issues with trying to play from ABC having learned the dots

    in band class long ago.


    Thanks for any and all assistance.



    Mary McNamara plays this in G major rather than D. On fiddle and banjo, all we need to do is keep the same fingering but play on a lower string. It will be out of range for whistles, flutes and pipes but can still be played in a session environment I would imagine. There are only some slight variations in Mary’s version. Here is it for those interested.

    K: G maj


    |B2 G GFG|B2 d dBG|FDD ADD|FEF ABc|B2 G GFG|Bdd dBG|EFG AFD|G3 G2 A|
    |B2 G GFG|B2 d dBG|F2 D ADD|FEF Abc|B2 G GFG|Bdd dBG|EFG AFD|G3 GFE|


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