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Learning Music Notation?


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Dear beginners who struggle with music notation and would like to cross the rubicon,


I thought I'd share what I have come across this last few days.


If you struggle to read the notes: https://www.musictheory.net/exercises/note


You get to choose the clef (Treble, Bass or both) and the range, so it's really progressive and you learn in no time.


If you want to read the notes a bit faster: http://www.readmusicfree.com/trebleclefdefender.html


It's a very nice game - completely addictive (you have to type the name of the note that appears before it's too late... it goes faster and faster - amazingly efficient)


If you have a smartphone or a tablet, here are two apps I've been playing with and that I find really impressive:


Musink (again for sight-reading) and Rhythm trainer (err...for rhythm and time notation).


To the musicians out there: I'm well aware this won't turn me into a musician overnight or even a decade, but it brought be from not knowing anything about music notation to being able to read more or less reasonably... (I still struggle with rhythm, though).


PS: I've been reading hundreds of comments and am amazed by the quality of this forum. I thought I'd never have anything to contribute to it but I hope this can be of help... It certainly made a world of difference for me in just a couple of hours.


All my love to everyone,



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