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Squeeze! Squeeze! Squeeze! all the morning long; I have been squeezing my concertina untill I thought that I myself from all that kneading would soften up and flow like honey into it. I squeezed untill a strange sort of warmth had softly caressed me kind of like warm hands do on a cold morning to a cow. Trance like, I found myself unwittingly squeezing my wife mistaking her for my gental concertina,and, I might add, what an abounding and affectionate, friendly and loving feeling did that cause. Then at last I was contiually squeezing everone in sight not wanting to leave anyone out, all the while looking up into their eyes I would say,"Oh! my dear fellow humans. Why should we longer tolerate any social predjudice, or know the slightest envy! Come! Let us all squeeze ourselves into each other. Come! Let us all squeeze ourselves into the universal goods of life. Come! Let us squeeze ourselves into the very boxes and buttons of kindness. Oh! I would have squeezed the marrow out of that feeling; if I could I would Keep squeezing forever.But,alas, man must in all cases eventually lower, or at lease shift, his thoughts from that higher plane and attend to the troublesome grind of everyday life. But lets not be discouraged, but, be incouraged by thoughts of when we meet in glory and we see those long rows of angles in paradise, it will not be the harp that they are plucking. No! They will fill our ears with heavenly sounds, each with their hands squeezing.

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"long row of angles"


Was that meant to be "Angels" or "Anglos"?



Must be "angels". You won't find any Anglos in paradise. They'll all be in hell with the melodeons and John Kirkpatrick (the Devil has all the best tunes).


Trance like, I found myself unwittingly squeezing my wife mistaking her for my gental concertina,...

I SINCERELY hope that was a typo for "gentle".


...and, I might add, what an abounding and affectionate, friendly and loving feeling did that cause.

Yes, I can imagine, but what was her reaction?


I don't know what my spousal unit would think about being mistaken for a concertina but I'll try to find out tonight. IF I can find her thumbstraps and pinkie rests. ;)

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I dunno. All this angling sounds fishy to me. Even angling for angel fish.


And what's this about harpies in heaven? Aren't they nasties in Greek mythology?


Besides, the "sacred harp" -- at least in American tradition -- is the human voice. And the fiddle (not the accordion or concertina) is "the instrument of the Devil".


...if you consider paradise to be a realm of non-Euclidian geometry.  Would the harps be indicative of string theory?

More likely it's the houris in Islamic paradise... wearing G-strings?

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More likely it's the houris in Islamic paradise... wearing G-strings?

But what happens to their underwear if the guitarist retunes to an open D chord? :o

Not being a guitarist, I have no idea.


.........Maybe you should ask Janet Jackson?

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groan. . . :rolleyes: do you boys need adult supervision on this thread?? (not that I could provide it!)


What started as a wonderful vision of concertina playing angels at the gates of heaven has degenerated into fetched up undergarments on a houri with John Kirkpatrick playing at the gates of hell on a slimy bass! Well, I guess that could be kind of interesting too. I'm sure all of my friends will be there, as will I, so I'd better get used to the idea :D

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