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We will have a squeeze-in type meeting of concertina players at the Proitzer Mühle (Northern Germany) on the last weekend of september. At the same time there will be workshops held by Jens Kommnick, Angelika Berns and Siobhan Kennedy (Iontach) at the same location so good sessions are guaranteed.


The flyer is in german, if you want informations in english contact me, please. The Proitzer Mühle can be reached easily by train from Hamburg or Berlin (or Lübeck /RyanAir).



  • 2 weeks later...

(* translation from German into English of Nils note -


First Concertina-Autumn - (In Irish Autumn 'Action Days')


Beginning Friday, Sept. 28 through Sunday Sept. 30 2007 we are hosting the First Concertina-Autumn at the Proitzer Mühle (Proitzer Mill).


We plan a Squeeze-In for Concertinas of all Systems and for musicians in all styles of music.

The gathering takes place as a part of Irish Autumn at the Proitzer Mühle (Proitzer Mill), from Sept. 28 to Oct. 3, 2007:


• Musician interchanges

• Sessions-without-end including Fiddles, Flutes and Bodhrans from the other classes

• English for Beginners – 2 x 90 Minute Beginner's Class for English Concertina (Nils Meyn)

• Irish for Beginners – 2 x 90 Minute Beginner's Class for Anglo Concertina (Julia Teetzmann, Mario Kliemann.)

• Lodging in shared rooms with multiple beds, 3 meals (breakfast and evening buffet).


Prices: €95 for Concertina-Autumn with services as described.


Send questions concerning Concertina-Autumn to nmeyn@web.de


If you desire to attend other classes, you may register for the Irish Autumn.

Detailed information concerning Irish Autumn may be found at www.proitzer-muehle.de.

We will have a squeeze-in type meeting of concertina players at the Proitzer Mühle (Northern Germany) on the last weekend of september. At the same time there will be workshops held by Jens Kommnick, Angelika Berns and Siobhan Kennedy (Iontach) at the same location so good sessions are guaranteed.


The flyer is in german, if you want informations in english contact me, please. The Proitzer Mühle can be reached easily by train from Hamburg or Berlin (or Lübeck /RyanAir).




Hello there,


I am going to post here, maybe it´s interesting for other members as well.


What is meant by "english for beginners"?

What are you planning in that one?


Generally I am very interested but it´ll depend on the contense...





Hello Christian,


I would be glad to meet you at Proitze!


I`m planing to teach some french tunes in the "English for beginners" workshop with the focus on how to make tunes sound good on our instrument.


For the advanced english players I would like to show and discuss my idea of "melody plus bassline".

(After talking to Chris and other Anglo players at Arran I thought a lot about how to make the English Concertina sound "bouncy").


Allthough the event is "irish" and anybody interested in ITM will get all he wants, I believe the English players will concentrate on other stiles.



Hello Christian,


I would be glad to meet you at Proitze!


I`m planing to teach some french tunes in the "English for beginners" workshop with the focus on how to make tunes sound good on our instrument.


For the advanced english players I would like to show and discuss my idea of "melody plus bassline".

(After talking to Chris and other Anglo players at Arran I thought a lot about how to make the English Concertina sound "bouncy").


Allthough the event is "irish" and anybody interested in ITM will get all he wants, I believe the English players will concentrate on other stiles.




Oh, that sounds very good ... I´ll think about it, maybe there is a chance to participate :D



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