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This is sounding more and more fun!

When I first signed up, I assumed I was only signing on for the day. Now that I'm aware of so much more, I've gotten in touch with a family friend in Amherst and will try to come to all the fun'n'games! :)

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This is sounding more and more fun!

When I first signed up, I assumed I was only signing on for the day. Now that I'm aware of so much more, I've gotten in touch with a family friend in Amherst and will try to come to all the fun'n'games! :)



I look forward to seeing you again! I think the last time was around five years ago at a dance-out up in New Hampshire. It was nice to find you again on C.net!

The problems with that is that there aren't any restaurants in Sunderland that serve brunch

Last year a few of us met Sunday morning at the diner by the I-91 exit. Not a classic "sunday brunch" but standard diner breakfast fare, and not bad.

  • 3 weeks later...

Things are shaping up well for the NCW now only a week away! 3 of the 20 classes have maxed out so far though most of the Irish ones still have room (thanks to having both Frank Edgely and Paul Groff on this year - manageable sized classes, more attention!). I'm particularly looking forward to David Cornell's duet workshop for which I hear he's compiling a 60 page booklet of duet arrangements specifically for this event and our range of duets!


If you're thinking of going - please get your reservations in pronto!


I'm really looking forward to it! Unfortunately, I'll only be there for the day after all- I forgot I have a gig the next day! But I'll be there early and look forward to seeing folks and learning some good music.


I got a followup communication in the mail about the Northeast Concertina Workshop. Looks as though the Saturday night jam will be in the Amherst Brewing Company, and that ought to be a lot of fun. Lots of people have played and sang there, and it has good karma. Who else is going to the Workshop?

I got a followup communication in the mail...


That's funny- I never got a followup communication in the mail! :( Should I of?

I don't suppose it matters, really- I'll be there in time for coffee and getting to know folks, and am really, really looking forward to a good day of squeezing!


As for how long I manage to last afterwards, that simply remains to be seen (is there an emoticon for great-big-huge-over-extended-exhausted-yawn?) :o

I got a followup communication in the mail...

That's funny- I never got a followup communication in the mail! :( Should I of?

It's good to get on the Button Box emailing list so you can receive all the news every time they get something new. Just send them an email! See you on Saturday! :)


So here it is 7:00 Friday evening and I'm stuck in an airport in Cincinnati. I had the weekend timed to the second, and poof! I was in San Diego all week, was supposed to arrive home around 2 hours ago, repack and head for Massachusetts in time for the end of the gathering at the BB, but my flight from CVG to ALB was canceled (long story) and now it looks like I'll be pulling in well after midnight.


Oh, poor David! The best-laid plans...

But you'll still get there, albeit bleary-eyed and needing friendly faces and lots of coffee. I hope our music and sociability will revive you!


(by the way, I found my "follow-up letter" buried in a pile of "to be dealt with later" mail!)


See y'all tomorrow!



Posted (edited)
and now it looks like I'll be pulling in well after midnight.

Well I won't get there 'till tomorrow. I'll arrive in time for coffee in the morning! I'm looking forward to seeing all the concertinas!

Edited by greenferry

I'm back, too- what a great day it was! Spending time with Barbara (Greenferry) was like a reunion. Seeing other CNetters was delightful. And the workshops were invaluable!


When I first walked into the building in the morning, I was greeted by David Barnert with a huge smile and the words "Three a.m!!" He seemed none the worse for the wear, though, and his boundless energy was with him whenever I saw him throughout the day.


I'm afraid to try to list all those I saw, but here's my first attempt: Greenferry and David, Robin Harris(on?), Paul Reed, Bellowbelle, a lurker named Fred who promised to start posting (where are you, Fred?), Richard Morse and Frank Edgely, oh, dear, I am sure there are others! And I met so many folks I had seen at the 2 Squeeze-Ins I've been to, I'm in danger of getting them all mixed up!


I went to Paul Graff's Irish Song Airs workshop and learned a lot in a short time. The rest of the day I spent with John Roberts- English-style Anglo playing, and Accompanying songs. Both gave me new insights into ways I've been struggling to figure out on my own, and all three workshops helped me with technique. I came away full to the gills and eager to work things out on my own.


I had to miss the concert and late-night conviviality, so I'll leave someone else to post about those.

Thanks to the Button Box folks for a great day!


Yes, I made it. Long story, which everyone here has heard, but I checked into my motel at 3AM Saturday. Soundest 5 hours of sleep I ever had, and awoke with a start to my alarm at 8. Great day, lots of connections with c.netters and others. Ready to head off to the Button Box in a few minutes for an informal wind-down there before heading home.

Posted (edited)

Here are some pics from the Button Box Workshop yesterday.


post-1501-1144596324_thumb.jpg Rich Morse


post-1501-1144596371_thumb.jpg Doug Creighton


post-1501-1144596433_thumb.jpg Bob Snope explaining chord theory


post-1501-1144596471_thumb.jpg Bob laying down the notes


post-1501-1144596493_thumb.jpg Walking the Octave


post-1501-1144596517_thumb.jpg Wendy Stanford (Bellowbelle) and her amazing crocheted box cover


post-1501-1144598174_thumb.jpg John Roberts and his English concertina


post-1501-1144598223_thumb.jpg John Roberts


post-1501-1144596609_thumb.jpg Frank Edgley


post-1501-1144597706_thumb.jpg Allison Aldrich (Animaterra)


post-1501-1144596637_thumb.jpg The Canadians (Robin Harrison, Paul Read and Dave Hoare)


post-1501-1144597555_thumb.jpg David Barnert


post-1501-1144596681_thumb.jpg C net folks (David, Allison, Robin, Paul and Dave)

Edited by greenferry

Wow, John Roberts is looking a LOT better!


And it was fun to put faces to some of the more familiar c-net names :)

Posted (edited)

Okay, here's a very lengthy 'blog' entry for you. Though, I don't blog*....I just keep a private journal. But, since this is now here on the web, I guess that makes it officially a blog.


My Fun at the Northeast Concertina Workshop


So, here it is, the day after the second annual Northeast Concertina Workshop. For me, this event was a day trip -- Saturday only, no extras on Friday or Sunday (assuming that there were some, Sunday). And, a long day it was. A great one, though!


I set three alarm clocks to be sure to wake up early enough on Saturday, and after a wonderful three(?) hours of sleep, I was 'happily' walking the dog at about 3:30 AM. My husband so kindly went out and bought me a coffee and a croissant, which saved me the time I usually spend each morning grinding coffee beans and all that.


On the way to Amherst, I listened first to my latest 'audio scrap,' which I recorded and turned into an MP3 on a SmartMedia card. It's a mix of free-form drumming, tingsha bells, and English concertina...kind of interesting....not too bad, actually. Then, I listened to the second CD of a set, the Anthology of English Folk Music. I especially love that version of Jacky Tar; have been practicing that tune.


Later, in Amherst, after a bit of confusion and driving around in circles, I finally found the place and wasn't even late (yay!).


The workshops I attended were: Expression Techniques, lead by Rachel Hall; Rhythm and Emphasis, lead by Wendy Morrison, and Song Accompaniment, lead by John Roberts. All were great fun, directed very well, and were informative.


During the third workshop, I considered attempting to share a song, as several participants were doing (in return for helpful critique/comments). But, well...I dunno. Not only did I not feel prepared, but, I think I'm just a 'CD Character' (...Get it? Not a seedy character, though...heheh...punny) and I like making recordings but that's about it. No live audience for me, thanks! If an impromptu time-and-place should ever happen to feel right and I decide to publicly belt-out a tune (except, I'm not a 'belter'), then...great. Meanwhile, I'll just quietly appreciate others' public performances and have fun learning about creative recording!


Of course, before making much of a public show, I should probably work on my 'dress-for-success-as-a-concertina-player' technique. Or, join a circus, maybe. I almost lost my pants!


What happened?


Well, it's true, I dress mainly for my own personal comfort, and not particularly for the enjoyment of my viewing audience, but I was thoughtful enough on Saturday that I added a pair of stretch pants under my baggy, shortish-type old denim jumper, so that the worst part of my legs were covered (...really, I just wanted to be warmer). I need to lose some weight and get in shape.


The pants had a drawstring at the waist.


After the first workshop and a trip to eat lunch at the closest Wendy's restaurant, I felt like my pants were, oddly, too loose, so I went to the restroom and tightened them up...or, so I thought.


Right before the next workshop, suddenly my pants were sinking, even more than before. Down, down, down...lower with every step I took. I gave the drawstring a yank to tie it tighter, and...oops...the whole string came out of its casing. Hmm. What to do?


I would miss the workshop -- or be very late -- if I took the time I'd need to fix my pants!


So, folks, that's the story of what happened to my name tag. I needed the safety pin. Thanks to the Button Box for giving safety pins with the ID tags. I have a new car with Onstar, a triband GSM cell phone, an ergonomic pen and an amazing, modern-day English concertina, Oh!...and a new solar charger, and a weather radio, but... I NEEDED A SAFETY PIN!


Lesson learned. Always carry a safety pin. A cup is a good idea, too. I needed Alka-Seltzer later that day and had to buy plastic cups.




Before the evening concert, I visited my daughter at her workplace in Amherst. She joined me at the concert later, just a bit late but managing to hear most of it. She especially enjoyed Dave Cornell's hilarious songs and performance.


It's nice to attend a concert with your young-'un where there ain't no mosh pit! Yay! it was a blast. (Oh, no...Can you imagine moshing concertina players? Brrrr....!! God, NO!)


The whole concert was wonderful. I'm so amazed at the artistry of the performers. I'm not sure that my own playing will ever come out anything like what I heard, or that I will consciously go in those directions as a musician, but, I'll always be happy to listen to such skilled players/singers.


At one point in the evening, there was a joke made (a few, actually!) that we could tell the stage was level since the performers were drooling evenly from both corners of the mouth while they got lost in their concertina playing. My daughter whispered to me, 'Hey! Those are drummer jokes!' (She's a drummer.) I said, 'Yeah, they go around, I guess!'


I'd like to eventually have CDs of each of the workshop leaders -- so far, I have one each of two. I couldn't manage to look over the CD table very well at the concert, so...I'll find them later I hope.


After the concert, I decided to not try to stretch the day any further. Joining the jamming that, as far as I know, took place at the Amherst Brewing Company (ABC) would have been great fun, but my daughter and I needed to get going.


Got home just fine, with some help from Dunkin' Donuts black coffee to keep me awake!


(*Edit added later re blogging:

'Subject To Change!' It varies, whether or not I keep a public blog.)

Edited by bellowbelle
post-1501-1144596681_thumb.jpg C net folks (David, Allison, Robin, Paul and somebody please tell me his name!)


Hi Barbara, that's Dave Hoare from New Brunswick. It was great to meet c.net folk. I need sleep!!

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