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Tina Playing Goblin Carving In The Blackfriar London Is 100 Years Old

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I recently noticed a tina playing goblin carving in the Blackfriar pub, London. He's a cute little fella in a fabulous art nouveau pub built in 1905.


So should some of us tinasqueezers organise a little party for him? Or has it already been done?


Gavin Atkin

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If only I had known, I would have taken one when I was there last Saturday with the Greensleeves Morris Men having a session after dancing for the crowds at the Lord Mayor's Show. A yearly event for us.

It reminds me of when Rev. Kenneth was alive and we used to point the goblin out to him and remark that it was similar looking. "Don't be silly, my boy, it looks nothing of the kind, now mine will be a small* malt whisky!" (* Kenneth speak for treble or larger if you could get it).


Alan Jeffries (currently listening to the wonderful Anglo International CD)

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Gavin, I was about to say that this little fella's health has been drunk many times by myself ( an "export model" Greensleeves man) and my friend Alan, who I welcome most warmly to this community.That his first posting combines both pubs and concertinas show what fine man he is !!

Isn't it a splendid pub, though ? Cheers Robin

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Hi Chaps and Chapesses


I visit London quite often and may be able to squeeze in a pint or two in the company of the goblin. If you arrange anything, please let me know and I'll see what I can do. Do we bring the 'tinas? At least we could look at them even if we can't play them?



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I've been away for a couple of days, but thanks for showing some interest in my absence.


I'll stroll over the bridge and have a chat with the landlord to raise the issue in the next day or two, and I'll try to remember to take my camera.


I'll have to move quickly on this as there's not too much of 2005 left!



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  • 1 month later...
I recently noticed a tina playing goblin carving in the Blackfriar pub, London. He's a cute little fella in a fabulous art nouveau pub built in 1905.


Gavin Atkin


Here's another little concertina-playing goblin, from the front entrance of New York's Radio City Music Hall, but about 30 years younger than the Blackfriar example. One notable difference: he's playing for an adjacent line of Rockette chorus girls. That doesn't happen very often anymore!

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