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I thought it might be interesting to indulge our fantasies a bit and make some holiday wishes for the instruments of our dreams. (Who knows that Santa, a significant other or a rich relative might be listening?)


I'll start it off by wishing for a chortling, honking Bb/F Jeffries with great reeds.

31 buttons please, but no nice 38 will be turned away!


And if the Jeffries does not appear for the holidays I will be happy and content with Dan Worrell's Kimber book!


May all your wishes come true!



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For those who don't know, Greg makes beautiful hard cases that would be the perfect Christmas present to house your treasures. Go to the Carroll concertina web page to see some pics. I got myself one as an early Christmas present.


hmmm, I guess that I would wish for "Santa Carroll" and his elves to deliver #32 under the tree, which would also undoubtedly please the twenty-one folks in line ahead of me when they also received their concertinas. Nothing like spreading some holiday cheer.


ooops, sorry, Greg. I guess that means you'll be working Christmas Eve building cases. :)


If Wally Carroll and the magic elves that make his wonderful reeds could deliver then who am I not to put in a few long holiday nights.


Thanks for the advertising plug, Paul and Brian.


If anyone wants a case for the holidays please order soon. This elf has does have a few holiday plans.




Greg, can I get a case with a free 55 button Wheatstone Crane concertina included? If not the Wheatstone, how about a Crabb?


I thought it might be interesting to indulge our fantasies a bit and make some holiday wishes for the instruments of our dreams.

I wish that in the year(s) to come I will stay happy with my present Marcus and Geuns-Wakker concertinas ;) .




Every time I see my first (Marcus), I still... :wub:

I thought it might be interesting to indulge our fantasies a bit and make some holiday wishes for the instruments of our dreams. (Who knows that Santa, a significant other or a rich relative might be listening?)

Hang on! It's only November! It's getting bad enough on the telly without starting in on Christmas here! Put that mistletoe away at the back there. Bah, humbug!


After an extraordinary year of changes among my instruments I find I no longer have anything to wish for there. Of course, if Santa wanted to bring me a new computer I wouldn't say no.



I thought it might be interesting to indulge our fantasies a bit and make some holiday wishes for the instruments of our dreams. (Who knows that Santa, a significant other or a rich relative might be listening?)
Hang on! It's only November! It's getting bad enough on the telly without starting in on Christmas here! Put that mistletoe away at the back there. Bah, humbug!

While I, too, get annoyed at Christmas-shopping ads in July -- and in the US there's still Thanksgiving, another decoration-intensive holiday, between now and Christmas -- I think that the waiting lists of a few of the current makers may require that some of us start now advertising our wish lists for Christmas 2010! B)


Dear Santa

Please bring me a concertiny in D made by Mr Tedrow. I promise to be a Very Good Girl ....



Before all of you replied, I was going to gently tease Greg in a friendly way...he has access to some nice instruments already. And that is the tenor of my feeling: I have a roof of my own over my head (for the first time ever), a car that runs, and a job that has long hours but isn't driving me too crazy. This is the first time in many years for these things to coincide, and all I wish for is to get to know a few people in the town where I now live....Gee, music seems to be a good way to do that! I have all the instruments I can possibly keep busy, so wishing for another is not on the radar. I'll leave that to others.


Happy New Year a little early.

May all your wishes come true!


I'd be very happy with the gift of more time to play! A few hours a day would be an amazing luxury


Ken is correct in reminding me that need and want are two different things.


I agree that I have much to be thankful for, no doubt, along with many others in this forum. And given a list of priorities I would put world peace, my family's security, our health, better schools, a USA administration change, national health care, along with more school jobs for me ahead of wanting another concertina for my pleasure.


I'm working, in my own inimitable way, to make all the above a reality. Sometimes a lot of it seems beyond my control. (And that would also include the long road to becoming a good concertina player.)


But I do know that writing goals down on paper helps. My list could begin with the above and end with the Jeffries. I'd be happy for parts of the list to be filled in any order.


I started the topic as lighthearted dreamlist. I don't mind expanding it to include the important stuff we not only dream about but should work towards every day.



I thought it might be interesting to indulge our fantasies a bit and make some holiday wishes for the instruments of our dreams.
Oh yes - I've got quite a few (well you did say fantasies)....


First up would be an Epilog LegendEXT laser and S&W K955D CNC milling/surface grinder so that we can forgo outside jobbers in getting our concertina reeds made. It also means that we'll be able to get into production of our Hayden sooner which will make a lot of people's holiday wishes come true! While getting these machines might seem like pie-in-the-sky, the funding for these is coming together! And while this may seem like an altrusitic wish, it also means that I'll finally be able to upgrade my Hayden to a better one! And I'm first on the list!!!


Next up is a wish for the BBox - a couple more talented and skillful staffers to help us with those machines and other snarly equipment so that we can make more boxes for everybody. We're serious about this - we are looking for more help! Lot's of job perks plus you'll be living in an area of great beauty, lots of sessions, dances galore....


And I hope I may not be too crass to mention here that we've just got in Noel Hill's new CD - The Irish Concertina Two album which a lot of folks would appreciate for the holidays!


Dear Santa,


Please put me down for:


continued good health for me and my family, including the furry ones

one (1) copy of Noel Hill's new CD

one copy of the William Kimber book

the funds to go to one concertina event in 2006

a nice vintage Wheatstone English, minimum 48 keys, black

the time to learn how to play it

the time to get better on my Edgley Anglo

more gig opportunities and fat hats to go with them


I have been a very good girl this year.




Let's see. I've already got a Carroll, and an extendo-cab version of Greg's case...


I'll settle for a girlfriend in lieu of a new instrument.

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