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In the news & updates section of "our" C.Net website the Concertina Library is announced.

I am very impressed by the site in may ways. The first look is very pleasant for the eyes (at least for mine) and after some clicking around, I must say that the Look & Feel of the site are great. It is a pleasure to surf through the site.

Now for the contents: this is (in my opinion) top quality and I am sure that I will spend hours and hours in future in this Concertina Library.


My compliments to Robert Gaskins and everyone who has contributed to make this great site!




Well done, Bob!!


This site will be a terrible distraction and a tremendous resource for all concertina enthusiasts.


Thank you very much!




Thanks for starting this thread for me Henk! I got home late last night (after disassembing a student's telescope into a million pieces, that was fun) and got the front page updated, but none of the other usual announcements. Bob has suggested a continuing division of labor -- we talk, he posts archive materials. He may be wise in guessing which takes more time to maintain, a library archive or a bbs with lots of intelligent, deep-thinking individuals whose opinions, ahem, differ and who write too much! ;)


I agree it is fascinating and was up an hour too late reading there!




Rats, now I'll never get any work done.


Hey, the big question Ken, is whether you got all of the microscope pieces back together. :rolleyes:


Well, if I put some of them in backwards, maybe the telescope would turn into a microscope! But, to iterate, for the real answer to all the questions about life that really matter, just go to the Concertina library!


Hi Frank,


Click the "about" on the site's home page menu bar. Scroll down a few topics. There are instructions on changing the type size.


Mr. Gaskins is very thorough and tech savvy, as we might expect.



My compliments to Robert Gaskins and everyone who has contributed to make this great site!


I find myself continually amazed that people are prepared to publish such excellent resources for free on the Internet - a labour of love indeed. We are incredibly fortunate to be able to access such a wide range of material. Even ten or fifteen years ago this would have been impossible but now, what a part the 'net plays in promoting the 'tina and letting us all come up to a good standard of knowledge. Concertina.net and .com are a wealth of information and huge thanks to those who put such work into these resources.


Thanks to everyone for the kind words about the Concertina Library.

There wasn't room on the front page of Concertina.net to point out that very little of

the work at the site is mine. The real strength is the hundreds of documents from

the Contributing Authors, all of whom are very well known to members here.


The initial lineup is:


Chris Algar

Allan Atlas

Margaret Birley

Barry Callaghan

Richard Carlin

Stephen Chambers

David Cornell

Roger Digby

Stuart Eydmann

Robert Gaskins

Randall C. Merris

Neil Wayne

Wes Williams

Dan Worrall


(Each name links to the directory of that author's contributions

at http://www.concertina.com.)


With continuing work from all these experts, plus more to come, there's a lot of

information to be posted in the future.


A link is at the bottom of every page for feedback and suggestions.

Opinions are always welcome, but particularly so during this initial period.


Bob Gaskins

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