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Posted (edited)

I really wasn't planning on doing this, but I have some emergency house repair going on and needed something to distract me from the chaos, so I went ahead and added a major new feature for Anglo Concertina players and teachers expanding and completely automating the manual process I described in my last post.

The tool can now automatically generate Anglo Concerting fingering tablature for C/G, Bb/F, A/E, and G/D tuned instruments in a variety of fingering solutions and tablature styles for both Jeffries and Wheatstone instruments.

Both the on-row and cross-row solutions I make available are least-cost mapping algorithms that use a certain set of weightings of preferred fingers for certain notes based on specific playing styles combined with rules like avoiding having the same finger jump rows between notes. The cross-row solution in particular comes up with solutions that very closely match how I would play tunes myself on the C/G Anglo.

This feature only works for single note at a time melody lines, will not work for more complex tunes with multi-note harmonies.

Previously, the tool only supported Anglo Concertina tablature generation for C/G tuning.

This feature is in version:


or later.

Update to the latest version to pick up the new features.

Demo video




Edited by Michael Eskin
  • Michael Eskin changed the title to Automatic Anglo Concertina Tablature Generation for C/G, Bb/F, A/E, and G/D Tunings with my ABC Transcription Tools
Posted (edited)

I find that much easier to use than the earlier version. Thank you for the upgrade.


I did encounter a slight problem when I tried it:


As can be seen, there are so many notes on the first line of music that some of the tabs get 'squeezed out' and end up below the general line of the tabs. The second and third lines of music look fine.


I can fix this by reducing the font size - '%%annotationfont Palatino 10' -> '%%annotationfont Palatino 7', but the tabs are then verging on too small to read. I can fix it by inserting a line break after the 2nd bar, but I'm a little reluctant to do that - it sort of 'unbalances' the appearance of the score.


Any bright ideas for an alternative way of doing this?


I have the same problem with my own software (I encode the tabs in w: lines, so I have to modify a '%%vocalfont' line, otherwise it's the same thing). I'm blowed if I can think of a way to get around this one...🙁





Edited by Roger Hare
Posted (edited)

Roger, you're pretty much limited by the physics of time and space here. 🙂


There are several options.


Let's start with another note-dense arrangement, in this case adding G/D tab for "Cooley's" reel.


Here's what you'd get if you did nothing, shows the same crowded "stacked tab" issue as your example:





1) Reformat the tune with fewer measures per staff and prioritize clarity over "balance". This can even be done automatically for you using the "Reformat Using MusicXML" feature on the "Hamburger" menu and setting the "Bars per staff" option to 2 in the MusicXML settings:




2) Use an even smaller font size for the injected tab and prioritize "balance" over readability of the tab.



3) Use the Gary Coover tab format option instead which takes up less space most of the time, for example:



4) You could play with using large %%staffwidth values to "thin out" the note spacing and perhaps get something less dense, for example this uses %%staffwidth 900




With a tune this dense in notes, I think option 1 or 4 are your best options for the button name and arrow style tab.


I think the Gary Coover style tab option is the most balanced, I'm increasingly fond of using it.




Edited by Michael Eskin
Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, Michael Eskin said:

[**]Roger, you're pretty much limited by the physics of time and space here. 🙂


There are several options.


Let's start with another note-dense arrangement, in this case adding G/D tab for "Cooley's" reel.


Here's what you'd get if you did nothing, shows the same crowded "stacked tab" issue as your example:


1) Reformat the tune with fewer measures per staff and prioritize clarity over "balance". This can even be done automatically for you using the "Reformat Using MusicXML" feature on the "Hamburger" menu and setting the "Bars per staff" option to 2 in the MusicXML settings:


2) Use an even smaller font size for the injected tab and prioritize "balance" over readability of the tab.

3) Use the Gary Coover tab format option instead which takes up less space most of the time, for example:


4) You could play with using large %%staffwidth values to "thin out" the note spacing and perhaps get something less dense, for example this uses %%staffwidth 900


With a tune this dense in notes, I think option 1 or 4 are your best options for the button name and arrow style tab.


I think the Gary Coover style tab option is the most balanced, I'm increasingly fond of using it.

Thanks for going to town here - I was really looking just for additional suggestions. I appreciate your working up the examples....


[**] I think you're right - more prosaically, you can't get a quart into a pint pot!🙂


1) This is the option I've chosen previously when I've encountered the 'problem' - I prefer to retain my (usual) 4-bar-per-line structure when I can, but when it's not practicable, this is the way I usually go...


2) I didn't show the image I got with the small font because I didn't want to clog-up the question. It was real small - I think I prefer to retain the readabilty...


3) I looked at this - I really don't like tabs above and below the staff, I'm afraid...


4) This is the only option I haven't tried yet. It's next on the list...


I think you're right 1) and 4) are the best options - I was hoping someone would come up with something which shattered the Laws of Thermodynamics, or Relativity, or something like that - no such luck...🙁


Thanks again for those suggestions, and for taking the trouble to demonstrate. I do appreciate it...

Edited by Roger Hare
Posted (edited)

Thanks very much Michael for all your work with this.  As a beginner player (2nd time around but making better progress with this attempt) I'm finding this really useful as I'm still rather addicted to having the dots in front of me and like to have a legible record of what fingerings I've settled on for any particular piece that I'm trying to work up.  I'm playing ITM and had bought Bruce McCaskey's Anglo Concertina Method a while back.  I favour his fingering notation which just seems much more logical to the way my brain works and I think it also really helps with familiarisation of button placement.  The indication of which finger to use only gives a part answer, I still need to identify which row.  So I was very happy to find that I can configure the tool to suit that and to use the line over as a default for a note on the draw.  I'm also favouring cross-row playing and for the few tunes that I tried so far, the fingerings provided by the tool are just what I would likely have expected.  I've also worked out how to amend the code for any alternative fingerings that I've maybe been trying. 


Anyways, I'll be using the tool in the future and just wanted to say thanks for all your efforts with this - much appreciated.

Edited by tubabutologist
Just found the solution I was looking for within the tool..

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