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Comically Long Duet Concertina

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Here's an oddity I just discovered on eBay.

It appears to be a fairly standard Lachenal Maccann duet that has been modified to make the ends unusually long, for music-hall performance. I imagine it's a one-off; I've certainly never seen anything like it, and I thought the good people of concertina.net might be interested.



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I noticed the reference to "Vauderville" (sic). With an "r". It seems that the vendor thinks VaudeRville was a place? or a specific theater? Of course Vaudeville was the widely used American name for what in Britain was called  Music Hall entertainment...and this would be the obvious home for an exotic probably comedic instrument .


We might guess that the vendor should look carefully inside both ends, and take photos. What if there is a signature in there...as there often was?



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3 hours ago, robert stewart said:

I noticed the reference to "Vauderville" (sic). With an "r". It seems that the vendor thinks VaudeRville was a place? or a specific theater?


I think it’s more likely the vendor just doesn’t know how to spell Vaudeville.

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