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Tom Jukes


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Tom Dukes was a great friend of Harry Hatton of Haydock,Lancashire a great concertina enthusiast and member of the ICA.I played  with Harry Hatton( and with others) on weekly basis at his home and in local pubs for many years.I was then mainly an English player.Tom Dukes when I knew him was living in Wrexham and visited Harry Hatton regularly and gave me informal lessons.I think he had been a member of the Kensington Concertina Orchestra.I have photographs of him which I will try to post.I also think I may have some arrangements by him.

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6 hours ago, Mark Davies said:

Tom Dukes was a great friend of Harry Hatton of Haydock,Lancashire a great concertina enthusiast and member of the ICA.I played  with Harry Hatton( and with others) on weekly basis at his home and in local pubs for many years.I was then mainly an English player.Tom Dukes when I knew him was living in Wrexham and visited Harry Hatton regularly and gave me informal lessons.I think he had been a member of the Kensington Concertina Orchestra.I have photographs of him which I will try to post.I also think I may have some arrangements by him.


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Just now, Alan Day said:


Hallo Mark ,Nice to hear from you. He was a member of the Kensington Concertina Band and I am almost certain that the band is one of the tracks on young Maurice Harvey recordings on the Duet Section featured on this site. 

I think he had a very rare English Concertina.


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16 hours ago, scoopet said:

Thanks Al, can you tell me what it says about him please .


Here's what the English International booklet says: "Tom was from South Shields in Tyneside and in his younger days played in the South Shields Concertina Band when it won the Belle Vue (Manchester) band competition in 1921.  He was a regular attendee at the London ICA meetings."


There are many references to him on the ICA website in the archived newsletters: https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Aconcertina.org+Tom+Jukes&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS756US756&oq=site%3Aconcertina.org+Tom+Jukes


There is more info about him in this old thread, in case you haven't already seen it: 


Edited by Daniel Hersh
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14 hours ago, Stephen Chambers said:

I seem to recall an amboyna-wood Edeophone, made by Crabb's... (But it is 50 years ago.)


I met Tom Jukes onetime, when Jim Harvey took me to Alf Edwards' basement flat in Kensington for a rehearsal of the Kensington Group/Quartet. They played beautifully together, and one of them (i think it was Tom) had an instrument such as I've described.


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