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Mixing up fingering in a song

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Hi All!  I'm a complete beginner on the anglo and have a question on how to play a song.   The song contains a B-flat (key 5a).  There are a number of runs where it goes from B-flat to G then A.  I've found it smoother to use Key 8 for the G/A in this case.  Further along in the song, it goes G-F-D-F-G-Bflat and this is where my fingers get braided together.  How would you play this run?


BTW - song is Misty Mountains, from the Hobbit movie.  Couldn't find this already scored for the concertina, so I'm doing it myself.

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Well the general rule is  to avoid hopping  with the same finger from one button to another. Normally one shouldn't do that as it slows you down   and breaks the rhythm of a tune. But as yours is  a very slow melody I'd say that the smartest thing is  hopping with your "second finger" (the bad finger)  from "the middle-row-F" to the "outside-row-G" ...and from there to continue with your index finger to the b-flat - as all those three notes are on a pull.




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Thanks for the idea.  It got me looking around a bit more and it looks like use the 4a key anytime I use the 5a is going to be easier.  Now for adding some harmony notes...

Thanks again!

Edited by dmksails
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