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Original concertina music? / F.A.W.M.

Geoff Geis

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Hello, everyone.

Perhaps this is a bit strange for my first post on these boards, but timing is a factor.


Do any of us dabble in writing original concertina tunes, regardless of style?  Would you like to share more, if so?  I see quite a bit of passion and interest in revitalizing the concertina and sharing it with wider audiences, and February provides a unique opportunity for this, as it's FAWM time!

For those not in the know (I was unable to find another mention of this on the forums yet), FAWM is, simply put, an inspirational and positive, worldwide community supporting the creation and sharing of original music - but only during the month of February.  (The acronym stands for February Album Writing Month, and began as a silly challenge among four friends in California to create an original album: 14 tracks in 28 days.  Over the years, as these things are wont to do, it caught on, and today there's a worldwide community.)  There's no need to set your sights on the number 14; this is my ninth year being involved, and I think I've turned out or collaborated on only about seven or eight tracks.  Nevertheless, from experience, it's a wonderful little site on which to bang out and post original demo tracks (or add your own to other folks' work in a collaborative effort).  In my experience, all of the feedback and interactions have been positive; it seems the antithesis of a comments section on [insert website here].

If you're interested in checking it out, the website is fawm.org.  It's a very simple and clean site, focused on the music and the feedback.  Anyway, there seems to be a largely-unexplored niche for original concertina music, and so if this strikes your fancy, I gladly share the opportunity with you.  There's still nearly a month left in which to create and share!



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Hi Geoff,

Yes I find myself pretty much playing tunes I come up with on the Anglo most of the time.  It’s my way of exploring the instrument that seems to work for me so far! I’ve started sharing them on this forum (just put one in the video section earlier today, in fact).  

Though coming up with something new in two days is fine, working it up to a polished arrangement is another thing though 😛   It sounds like good fun though



Edited by Kathryn Wheeler
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Hi Kathryn,

If it's any solace regarding FAWM, nobody expects polished arrangements, particularly in light of the short timeframe.  All tracks are understood to be demos only, giving an idea of the creation more so - much more so - than any finished product.  Sometimes, people take it upon themselves to polish their work after February; this is particularly the case when multiple individuals happen or decide to collaborate on a track.  But, during FAWM, the disclaimers are understood and the leniency is expected - otherwise I'd never post anything there myself! 😁

That aside, I look forward to hearing what you've posted!  I'll go hunt some down.  :)



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Hi Geoff 

haven’t posted any yet but I have two tunes from the last two days I think


so so far it’s being useful even tho I haven’t signed up!


Which perhaps I should do 


Edit: well..I’ve signed up and awaiting verification!


suppose I out to actually record and film them 😛

Edited by Kathryn Wheeler
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