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I had a wonderful time.


Our turnout was 15 people over three days, with the music lasting past midnight both Friday and Saturday.


Look for a more detailed report soon (and pictures), and there will be information on the Second Annual Southeast Squeeze-In within the next month.



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We can make your report and pictures a formal article here if you like. Just let me know.


:lol: I think that everyone had a great time. The Cottage Inn was an ideal site for this event -- small though it was this time--and based on discussions we had Sunday morning, we'll be coming back next year. My wife was the unofficial cameraperson so I'll burn Ken a CD for posting purposes. (Ken if you read this let me know the mailing address I need to use!)


Bob Tedrow brought a double handful of his intruments and I got to try them all. I must say I was very impressed with their tone and playability. Keep up the good work Bob. His wife Klari and he played a couple of duets of hymns and the music sounded wonderful -- just like it was coming from a small pipe organ. Alex, their daughter soloed beautifully on several tunes and showed us some nice step-dancing too.


To those of you who couldn't come, you really missed it! But there will be a next time in 2005.


My best to all that participated in the music and the comraderie.

Posted (edited)

For those curious, this is the breakdown on the principle squeezebox of the attendees:


Anglo Concertina (C/G): 2

Anglo Concertina (D/A "Drop A"): 3

Anglo Concertina (G/D "Drop D"): 1

Button Accordion (B/C): 1

English Concertina: 2



Edited by Dave Weinstein
For those curious, this is the breakdown on the principle squeezebox of the attendees:  [...]

15 people, and only 9 instruments?

;) Dave does that concertina count include that huge box of concertinas from Bob Tedrow? The reason I ask is because Elaine and I brought 5 concertinas betwwen the two of us!
;) Dave does that concertina count include that huge box of concertinas from Bob Tedrow? The reason I ask is because Elaine and I brought 5 concertinas betwwen the two of us!

That was the players, not the instruments.


There were a lot of instruments...



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