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Wanted 48key Wheatstone or Lachenal english


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Good morning all from Dallas, Texas,


I am a church musician and beginner English concertina player.  Purchased a preowned Jackie last Christmas and have played it almost daily since then.  I have been reading and researching on this site and learning from this community with much appreciation.


I must confess that I'm beginning to think about purchasing that "next level" of English concertina.  I've begun to focus on searching for a 48key treble Wheatstone or Lachenal english concertina in the range of $1,000-2000. (According to one site, that's 774-1548 GBP). 


I have not had an opportunity to play either instrument so I look forward to doing so.  I'm going to be in Cambridge and Edinburgh in October and hope to be able to play some instruments.


Two questions:

1. Are there significant differences in the Wheatstone and Lachenal instruments (touch, sound)?

2. If you have something for sale in the price range, will you private message me?


Thank you in advance for your responses.


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Hello, I may have a concertina or two in your price range , they are not advertised anywhere, so they should be should still be here. I live about 40 miles from Cambridge so we are not too far away. You can either mail me or phone 01728 768128 when you arrive over here.

Best regards.

Mike Acott

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mike Acott, 


Good to hear from you.  I'd like to connect with you while I"m there if possible.


It appears I can take a train from Cambridge to Ipswich.  


Would you mind emailing me at dthsabbatical@gmail.com more details, photos, etc.?




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