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Playing Gypsy Jazz On The Ec

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There is a group of about 6 regular musicians that gather together in Takoma Park, MD every Monday evening and jam to the Django Fake book. I finally made the trek up to join them and had a swell time. Much of the music is familiar but it was great fun playing in this stylized jazz style, which I have some experience in playing but never on a regular basis.I especially enjoyed the chance to sight read a lot of cool chords and fast paced melody lines (mistakes were graciously overlooked). The musicians had never played with an English concertina before so the experience was new and refreshing for all of us. I did not record or take photos but maybe next time.

The Django Fake Book which I also use to arrange tunes to play polyphonically, was too big to attach but can be found online for free. Google 2008 Django Fake Book





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I find gypsy jazz melody lines particularly wonderful on concertina, and same with paris musette melodies. Personally, I find concertina most attractive as a melody instrument, but it is certainly nice to be able to put some very light bass or chordal touches under the melody here and there if there are no bass/rhythm instruments in the mix . . .

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  • 6 years later...

So... happened to get directed to this post again while Google searching something. 


I never did use Django Fake Book much with my English concertina -- just not the type of thing for it -- but I've recently picked up an accordion again (got 2 small-sized 120 bass old piano accordions, an Iorio Candido and a Scandalli) and this collection will be perfect to play. 





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