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Scandinavian Squeeze-In 2016

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Scandinavian Squeeze-In

April 22-24, 2016

(last full weekend in April)


This will be our 17th annual SSI.

Once again in the main scout house at Gamlegård, in Torna Hällestad, Skåne (southern Sweden). All squeezers and would-be squeezers are invited. (In fact, non-squeezers and even non-musician accompanying persons are welcome if they don't mind our obsession.)

Please see our web site -- http://www.nonce.dk/SSI/ -- for much more information.


In addition to here, I've posted the notice in the concertina.net Calendar (accessible through the menu at the top of this page), in the Announcements forum, and also in the Teaching and Learning forum, since that's a lot -- though not all -- of what we do on the weekend. (Overkill, perhaps, but I don't know who looks where for information.)

It's also listed on the ICA web site's Events page and in their latest issue of Concertina World magazine.

And I'll welcome any further suggestions as to worthwhile places to post the notice.

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  • 3 months later...

Scandinavian Squeeze-In

April 22-24, 2016

Please see our web site for much more information.


In addition to here, I've posted the notice in the concertina.net Calendar (accessible through the menu at the top of this page), in the Announcements forum, and also in the Teaching and Learning forum, since that's a lot -- though not all -- of what we do on the weekend. (Overkill, perhaps, but I don't know who looks where for information.)


Maybe posting it in more than one place was not the best idea. There's been a brief discussion in the News and Announcements forum that didn't appear here. But I think here is a better place for my brief update.


I've made a few updates to the web site, including:

  • The booking deadline has been extended to Friday, April 15 (a week before we start). We've had two bookings from "newcomers" just since April began, and they've asked if their friend who "only" plays mouth harmonica would also be welcome. .................. Of Course! :) (Fiddle, guitar, string bass, saxophone, etc... all are welcome, even though most of us will have squeezeboxes.)
  • We always end the weekend with an informal concert open to the public. This year we have a new and better venue for that, only about 100 meters/yards from the Dalby bus plaza. In addition to having the concert flyer as a PDF on the SSI web site, I've created a separate web page just for the concert announcement. If you have any friends in the area, you might want to let them know. (I expect to add a Swedish version within a day or two.)
  • I've added a folder with printable PDF versions not only of the concert flyer (in English and Swedish), but also the original "Invitation" and an advert for the weekend in the form of a flyer.
  • And on the "Workshops" page I've added a couple more workshop suggestions from folks who are coming to the weekend.

It promises to be a great weekend, and it's not too late to say you'll join us.

Edited by JimLucas
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We always end the weekend with an informal concert open to the public. ... I've created a separate web page just for the concert announcement. If you have any friends in the area, you might want to let them know.

The separate web page with the concert announcement (and printable flyer/poster) is now up in both Swedish and English, with Swedish as the default, but English just a click away.



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  • 2 weeks later...

This is the last announcement for this year's SSI, April 22-24, and it's looking good.


The booking deadline is tomorrow (April 15), though if I get one on Monday we can probably accept it.

I've had some email problems, so if you've sent me a mail saying you want to come but I haven't replied, please let me know now. (Either an email or post it here. My quota of PMs is almost exceeded.)

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