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Ladeeeees and gentlemen!

Now for something completely different.



Interesting. I wonder if she can play more than that little bit of a tune.


The beginning of this video gives a much better view of her instrument. Clearly an English, but customized. (Note the loops rather than plates for the little fingers.) A reworked Stagi, or a Russian-made copy? I would like to know more.


I was astounded upon viewing these two videos.





Tatiana (orTatyana) almost rhymes with concertina doesn't it!


Currently I am working up a song I've composed as an acknowledgement of the historical role of concertinas in circus. Concertinas have long been associated with the circus, most notably used by clowns but also acrobats. I've come up with "The Flying Concertina", a light hearted fantasy where a concertina used in a trapeze act takes on a life of its own. The circumstance of this thread begs for a sneek preview. Here's the first half of the lyrics:-


The Flying Concertina


Oh what happy days when the circus comes to town

The acrobats amaze and there’s sure to be a clown

There’s elephants and horses and cheeky chimpanzees

But best of all of course is the girl up on trapeze


For when she summersaults and flies then the people shout with glee

Imagine their surprise when she swings it musically

She plays a concertina while swinging by her knees

With summersaults between a tune up on trapeze


She is the lovely young Sabrina with her flying concertina

She squeezes on that funny little box while swinging way up there on high

You know that everyone who’s ever seen ‘er adore the lovely young Sabrina

With her flying concertina making music in the sky


One night young Sabrina when high up on trapeze

Let go her concertina when she just had to sneeze

That little box he took his leave a chance not to be missed

What followed you may not believe but here’s what happened next........


What happens next? Well you'll just have to wait. It will be some time before this one is ready for performance. At my age it's not easy working up those trapeze skills. :blink:

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