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True, but if everyone shoots for 50 posts a day we ought to start catching up with him in no time :). Oh, and I like playing concertina too... played just last night in fact :).


Very good, Steven,


If you just add 2000 more posts, you will be in the running with Jim.


Of course, you will have no time to play concertina.




Good point Helen. That leads to a bit of a catch-22. If I'm posting so much I don't have time to play concertina, then I have no concertina playing to post about! Ouch, my brain hurts now.


By the way, I plan to play my concertina tonight. I expect I'll enjoy it.





Let's see... The all time most-visited thread since the new forum began is "Congratulations to Jim", which notes how often Jim posts. Now a thread dedicated to noting how much Jim is NOT posting is racing up the charts. Somewhere, Jim must be laughing.

Good point Helen. That leads to a bit of a catch-22. If I'm posting so much I don't have time to play concertina, then I have no concertina playing to post about! Ouch, my brain hurts now.


By the way, I plan to play my concertina tonight. I expect I'll enjoy it.

Well, that makes me feel better. Let's just say I've been playing too much (after giving exams all day) to do any site administration work! ;)

By the way, I plan to play my concertina tonight.  I expect I'll enjoy it.

Well, did you? A planet is agog to know. :)



I did! I did indeed! I tried playing some English Country Dance tunes, but my brain just wasn't in that gear last night, so I switched over to Christmas carols and had a lovely time. Of course, time then got away from me and I stayed up too late doing that, so I'm paying the price today. The things we endure for our music!


Oh, and sorry to be off topic, but I played my whistle some last night too.




Good point Helen.  That leads to a bit of a catch-22.  If I'm posting so much I don't have time to play concertina, then I have no concertina playing to post about!  Ouch, my brain hurts now.


By the way, I plan to play my concertina tonight.  I expect I'll enjoy it.

Well, that makes me feel better. Let's just say I've been playing too much (after giving exams all day) to do any site administration work! ;)

Glad I could be of assistance in making you feel better! And I won't even tell your students that you're playing music instead of grading their exams....




Oh, and sorry to be off topic, but I played my whistle some last night too.

My reading of the rules suggests that it's quite alright to be off-topic in your own time! So you're OK. :)




Good for you Steven, glad you are enjoying your concertina.


Happy to hear you are playing, Ken. Administrative work will always be there. Have fun. Or as Allison would say, eat dessert first. Do anything but boring stuff.



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