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Possible Concertina Event In St Petersburg Russia Sept 2016

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I am beginning to put together a plan for an East-West Squeeze-In where Russian and Western concertina players can meet and share experience, knowledge and tunes.

This would be a weekend in September 2016 (over a year away), at a woodland resort/holiday camp near St Petersburg (Russia). The cost for accommodation, food and transfers (local airport to site and back), Friday evening to Monday morning, would be capped at USD 300 - you will have to pay your fares, pay for your visa and arrange your own transport to St Petersburg, Russia on top of that. Visa support will be provided (but be aware that to obtain a Russian visa you will have to give "biometrics" i.e., fingerprints at a Russian consulate). It may be possible to arrange a couple of days' sightseeing in St Petersburg after the event for those who wish to make the most of their trip. This would be at an additional, as yet unknown, cost.

I have been prompted to do this by being reminded that there are a number of English system players in Russia for a number of historical reasons. There is a strong tradition of squeezing generally throughout Russia and I thought it would be a fun thing to have squeezers meet.

If you think you might be interested in attending please send me a PM indicating your degree of interest. I don't expect this to be a large event (perhaps 20 souls all told), but I certainly hope it will be fun :)

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I am beginning to put together a plan for an East-West Squeeze-In where Russian and Western concertina players can meet and share experience, knowledge and tunes.

And songs. Don't forget songs. ;) Летят утки, например? :)


If you think you might be interested in attending please send me a PM indicating your degree of interest. I don't expect this to be a large event (perhaps 20 souls all told), but I certainly hope it will be fun :)

Sounds like you've nailed down more details since we last spoke. You know I plan to come. And I will heartily recommend it to others. There will certainly be some folks who don't speak Russian and others who don't speak English, but there should be enough who speak both (I'm already sure of two) for communication not to be a problem.


I have been prompted to do this by being reminded that there are a number of English system players in Russia for a number of historical reasons. There is a strong tradition of squeezing generally throughout Russia and I thought it would be a fun thing to have squeezers meet.

English system and various types of accordions, including a couple that I don't think are known in the West. With Samantha's help, I've established contact with a couple of the players, and they're very friendly and enthusiastic. I'm even planning a personal visit to St. Petersburg within a couple of months. I have other friends there, but I want very much to meet the local squeezers. I don't yet know any Russian anglo or duet players, but we've only scratched the surface, and I'd be surprised if there are none. Besides, once they see ours, it could only be a matter of time.

Edited by JimLucas
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Jim is right in pointing out that this event will be of interest not only to Enflish system players. I addition toRussian players of Anglo and other systems concertinas, it will, I'm sure, be possible to get acquainted with some of the myriad rural Russian squeeze boxes, many of which are bisonoric.

And songs. And possibly dances.

Having been involved in a Russo-Scottish folk musicians' meet-up a good few years ago where I was the only interpreter I can assure you language will not be a problem! :)

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94 views and counting. Obviously there is some curiosity out there. PM me to let me know what y'all think. Too expensive? Too far? Too complicated? Too soon to tell?

Edited by Samantha
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