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Accordian Help!

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I aquired a Francini accordian with the case when my great grandmother died. It is a piano accordian, and on the back it says NUM. 80/17/ Made in Italy (this is hand carved). please see the pics added as a reply to this message! If you could give me info as to the age of this accordian and to its value, it would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Edited by liv4scuba
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Looks to me like a typical 1930s entry level full size Italian accordion, probably with 3 sets of treble reeds. Not terrible valuable or rare, though in reasonable condition it would make a good workhorse, though nothing flash.

The trouble is that at its age there will probably be many hundreds of dollars of work required to replace leather and felt parts which will have degraded with the passage of time. Its value is probably minimal without these repairs being undertaken. I would recommend that you find an accordion specialist in your locality who will give you a better idea of the cost of refurbishment and its value. It is difficult to do this from a photograph....

Good luck,


(sometime accordion repairer, Australia)

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