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Festival/event thefts - photo all your gear,


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There is a horror story from the four-yearly Citroen intl rally at Harrogate (8-12th)while the concert was on - this was attended by three or four thousand enthusiasts and a few thousand cars worth literally a fortune (one thinks of how much some tinas are worth...)


I know it is not music gear but the issue is the same. Photo all your gear, and we need to be careful to watch out for each others' stuff in pubs etc. A couple of those motion sensor alarm padlocks could have been saviours but....for people camping at music events they are worth the few quid (was it aldi or lidl)on any gear inside the tent and on the steering wheel if gear in car boot while sleeping. A hassle, yes, but not if it saves you your boxes.


This was no opportunistic target and there were other thefts during ICCCR 2012 it seems. If you want to read about the size and specialist items stolen from one car, see attached extracts from Citroen club.

(It is refusing to load so last attempt or will try to add as a separate)

Maybe cause system suddenly thinks 9again) I have used 7.87MB of my 7.81mb upload quota!

Thefts at intl citroen festival in Harrogate aug 8 to 12 2012.doc

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Sorry Paul if this is too long - that rogue limit problem won;t allow me to upload the 20kb word file.

This just shows how far those in the know will go to target places.


1 x Saturday Independent paper and all segments

................... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:



Edited by Kautilya
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1X Saturday independent newspaper and all segments.


Well, not sure what possible purpose this list has in the concertina forum, but I guess the point is not to leave stuff in your car as you might get it stolen along with your concertinas and even your newspapers.

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