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apologies if this is somewhere else

("partition" covers score, chords, lyrics, tabs - all depends on what is there.

You can change the key [Tonalité ]by selecting from this line after selecting your song/toon


Tonalité : G | G# | A | A# | B | C | C# | D | D# | E | F | F# | G


Some can be listened to by clicking on the speaker icon along top right list starting with small letter A (reduce text size)

However, although it is a VLC.ram file I could only (right clicking "open with" old fashioned media player classic)

hover the cursor on that list:

Agrandir le texte increase size of text,

Version imprimable printable version

Version txt text only

[speaker]Écouter un extrait de la chanson listen to an extract Télécharger le mp3 de la chanson download (and PAY!!) the MP3


( as far as I have checked you have to pay for the MP3 from amazon but it may be worth digging further by trying other songs.!!)

Actually - I see on amazon sale page there is a black arrow with

Tout écouter Ecouter tous les extraits - which allows you to listen to excerpts.... free....


here's the song search page (as opposed to home page)




If Mike SW is gandering at this there is a list of Taizé monastic community pieces which I will stick over on playing in other keys thread.


Edited by Kautilya
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