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Scores of Mozart, Schubert, Handel, Liszt


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I hope this is appropriate to share. I have been composing for decades, but now am focusing on re-arranging classical and classic songs for piano, often with guitar chords, and some for my own trio idea: bass-piano-violin.


Vivaldi, Tchaikovsky, Strauss, Bellini, oh so many you just have to look for yourself.


I gathered everything and put it in a site, simply a sortable list of all of the above. OK nice random pictures and silly music jokes to keep it lively.


Comments appreciated! Happy practicing!



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I hope this is appropriate to share. I have been composing for decades, but now am focusing on re-arranging classical and classic songs for piano, often with guitar chords, and some for my own trio idea: bass-piano-violin.


Vivaldi, Tchaikovsky, Strauss, Bellini, oh so many you just have to look for yourself.


I gathered everything and put it in a site, simply a sortable list of all of the above. OK nice random pictures and silly music jokes to keep it lively.


Comments appreciated! Happy practicing!



Very good idea and v helpful. Tku!

I tried open some of the .mus files.

Are they sound or just score?

I have musette on my system but it did not come into operation - your file file opened, with one line of score and then error messsage said something like this is not a musette file.

So not sure how to proceed with those B)

The midis worked fine.

Edited by Kautilya
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