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Anyone Going To The North-east Squeeze-in?

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Home safe and sound after a wonderful weekend, in spite of torrential rain, thunder and lightning, gale-force winds, followed by a deep chill- the weather hardly mattered, all was warm and friendly inside!


It was also hard to be there, with so many memories of Byron. But the friendly faces and kindnesses of all eased things for me and I was so happy to meet so many C-Net folks!


Many folks had left by noonish today, but I popped in on a session only to have lildogturpy start in on Chocolate Rabbit! What a thrill to hear it played so well by so many folks. This was about an hour after the "Playing By Ear" workshop ably led by David Barnert and Bellowbelle. I guess a lot of folks took the workshop advice to heart, because they played like pros!


I'm so glad I went, I hope I can return next year!

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C.netters Group photo from the Squeeze-In. We're all having a great time here. Everyone say "Accordion" :o


From left to right

Front row: Michael Reed, lildogturpy, bellowbelle, Animaterra, Dave Barnert

Second row: Ken Coles, Jim Besser, Richard Morse, Perry Werner, Jay Lamsa

Third row: Kurt Braun, Doug Barr,

Picture right at the back: Doug , Bruce Boysen, Sean Minnie

Howie Leifer tells me that is him peeking out behind Sean Minnie (see the grin?).


Chere Heppe is also visible in back, near the lodge door.


Doug...which Doug? That's not Doug Criegton, I don't think he made it out on the porch. There were several cameras and several shots, including some where everyone _was_ facing the camera, and many of us (including me!) were smiling. Anybody have one of those?


Will write more later, need to rest up for work Monday. Great time, worth the 20+ hours on the road for 42 hours of squeezin' company.

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Back from the SI after an 8 hour drive that seemed like 15, especially because it was a bummer to be leaving.


Sadly, the recording I made of Alan Day's Chocolate Rabbit did not come out.

Official explanation: technical difficulties.

Real explanation: I forget to see if there was any room left on the mini-disc. Apologies to all-- but Alan, it was played with zest, and everybody in the room ( and it was pretty crowded) seemed to really like it.


Many thanks to the BUtton Box folks for making it all happen. Thanks to Ken for putting together the makers workshop; it was great getting to try out the Edgley, MOrris and Tedrow boxes.

Edited by Jim Besser
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Thank you Jim for playing my/Alison`s tune to everyone at the Squeeze in ,I am sure you did your usual professional job. It is also a great thrill for me to hear that some of you liked the tune enough to play it at session.

It sounds as if you all had a great time sorry I could not get there,one day perhaps.

Thank you for the on site reports and pictures Turps,very impressive and lovely to put faces to so many friends on this site.


Edited by Alan Day
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> Thank you Jim for playing my tune to everyone at the Squeeze in

>,I am sure you did your usual professional job.


It wasn't me who started it; I just walked into the session and pulled out my instrument, and someone else started playing a tune that sounded really cool to me. I fumbled for a minute or 2 -- I play it in C on the C/G, to emulate your cool bass work -- and then realized it was Chocolate Rabbit.


So thanks are due to someone else who should be identified.

But I did start Limey Pete in another session, and people really liked that, too.


Next year we should do an ALan Day Tunes session.

Edited by Jim Besser
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I have to confess it was me who started the Chocolate Rabbit at the squeeze-in :rolleyes:


Animaterra had said we should play it some time and on the Sunday morning just before everyone was leaving I realized we hadn't. I don't think I've heard Limey Pete yet but if you email me an mp3 I can post the abc again for you.

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>I know bellewbelle and Jim Besser have photos and I hope they have the

> smiling ones.


I have a pretty good one, but can't seem to upload it; I assume it's because of the 120 K upload limit, and this pic comes in at 348K even with the highest compression ratio my editing program supports. Any suggestions?

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Hi Gang:

Just adding my words of appreciation for the wonderful time I had in Mass. this past weekend.

Great meeting all of the new "faces" whom I've been reading over the past year or so.

Nice, kind, helpful, encouraging and inspiring folks.

AND great players of this instrument which we are in love with.

I look forward to next year already.

Just hope the directions are a little clearer.

Getting in was awful.

Getting out was breeze.

And wow, playing in that concertina band was wild.

Squeek at you soon.



Perry Werner

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If you like I can put your picture through the same squeeze as mine. You could email it to me at robin.beech@mcgill.ca. I think my inbox is big enough for several megabytes. I use graphic converter on a mac. I used the size option to shrink the overall dimensions until the final file was small enough.

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