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Carolan's Concerto Video

michael sam wild

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Mike Lydiat and I recorded this ( also known as Mrs Power) to help witha local workshop of Carolan tunes. We did it in C and ironed out the tune using the book, and various recordings and did it it a reasonable speeed as we feel it is sometimes rushed at.. Mike has a good web 0page , Doc'sWorkshop with a whole host of his Carolan Project material and guitar tabs.


Edited by michael sam wild
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Lovely! And YouTube let me know about your rendition of Planxty Irwin, which I also enjoyed very much.

Very nice too! :) keep struggling to get past the first part meself:)


I was hoping to see more little finger action (following your recent muscle building resolutions) but you didn't let them have a go very often! :rolleyes:


Is this Concerto named after Fanny Power's mother then? :blink:

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