Kautilya Posted November 21, 2011 Posted November 21, 2011 (edited) Just catching up here. I use ABC offerings coz I am lazy and slow minded. So thanks to all those who put up the letters as I would not know how too. I don't read the letters to play of course as they make me feel dicksexlycqueasy. I just slam em into tuneotron to hear how the toon goes (midi)and save it to my toons folder and then I open pdf and save the dots (with the keyofD keyofC keyofG in the filename alongside the midi, so I know which instrument with the right key to use. Then when I want to practise I can listen to midi, while I look at the dots to see where it is going. I have to admit that once I have heard how the melody goes I can play/sing from the dots... but then I have been doing it that way since I was a tot. bad/good habit? No just the way my ear-brain=hand-gob links work. That said, I really am most impressed by folk like Dirge who can plough straight in, playing from the dots. BUT.. I also use ABC it to find sound and dots very quickly. e.g. I search for nimrod abcnotation (or just abc) midi Alas in that case I only get an MP3!!! But do: "lang syne abc midi words lyrics" and you get pots of choice http://www.bing.com/search?q=auld+lang+syne+abc+midi&go=&qs=n&sk=&form=QBRE&filt=all A lady tina player from/at Whitby said she simply finds a tune new to her on youtube and picks it up by listening to it from there in no time at all. INteresting that stuff from folk like Beethoven are available in ABC. Will investigate. And I know I already have an excellent sound version of Nimrod....... played by Dirge on tina after a pint or two of excellent Fox Beer ....(he is not averse to folk hearing it but feels it is not his best, so have so far not put it up, but I like it! Any requests?) The clue to his ability to read SEMI quavers and demis etc must be due to the fact that: "Many have taught that Semiramus was the wife of Nimrod...." This is not to suggest that Dirge is "Nimrod: Man, Maniac or Myth? Is this Nimrod with horns [power] and his men. climbing the Ziggurat shooting at the three stars in Heaven?" -- bearing in mind apparently that Nimrod is allegedly derived from 'marad' - rebel. I do not Dirgress however. To get a more accurate piccy of the usefulness of ABC perhaps one might ask how many of us: I DO sight read and play easily straight from score without help of sound midi. I DO NOT sight read easily and like the midi (/mp3/utube)and maybe abc converted dots to get going quickly. I will put up two posts one for yes and one for no. No need to,indeed don't)answer, just open the relevant post and that will, courtesy of the wonders of Schwarzenomics give us a viewed count which will give a snapshot of those who can and those who can't. Edited November 21, 2011 by Kautilya
Dirge Posted November 22, 2011 Author Posted November 22, 2011 I got rather confused in all that, especially since I seemed to be involved in some way, but then the mists cleared at the end. I had previously opened both topics; I shall now go and open the appropriate one a second time and you can mentally subtract one from both scores... Good this, innit.
malcolmbebb Posted November 22, 2011 Posted November 22, 2011 (edited) Hmmm I too have opened both - but maybe that's OK. I do sight read music, but not terribly quickly. I don't play by ear, although if I've heard a tune I know if I've hit a wrong note I do find midi helpful to get going on unfamiliar tunes. So I guess I'm the middle. PS I used to play direct from ABC but I don't any more and would struggle to go back to it. Edited November 22, 2011 by malcolmbebb
AnnC Posted November 22, 2011 Posted November 22, 2011 I will put up two posts one for yes and one for no. No need to,indeed don't)answer, just open the relevant post and that will, courtesy of the wonders of Schwarzenomics give us a viewed count which will give a snapshot of those who can and those who can't. Done hearing the tune followed by looking at the dots/listening to the midi for me although I can read music (slowly), sight reading has never been a strong point so hearing the tune is the best way to fix it in my memory but I don't always recall it exactly as heard (hearing it first in G but getting home and remembering it in D or A can be a bit of a so and so for sessions) the dots, sound file keep me right anyone else find that some tunes are retained after one 'listen' yet others never 'stick' no matter how often you hear them?
Steve Mansfield Posted November 22, 2011 Posted November 22, 2011 Sorry if I'm being thick but I'm confused ... If I can learn tunes both ways, e.g. I'm a pretty decent sight-reader and sight-player (in dots-on-a-line and abc), AND I can also pick a tune up pretty quickly by ear Do I open both posts, one post, neither posts? And can't we turn this into a poll instead?
Dirge Posted November 22, 2011 Author Posted November 22, 2011 Sorry if I'm being thick but I'm confused ... If I can learn tunes both ways, e.g. I'm a pretty decent sight-reader and sight-player (in dots-on-a-line and abc), AND I can also pick a tune up pretty quickly by ear Do I open both posts, one post, neither posts? And can't we turn this into a poll instead? Open neither, accept that I've voted for you, then it all comes right.
Pete Dunk Posted November 23, 2011 Posted November 23, 2011 Sorry if I'm being thick but I'm confused ... If I can learn tunes both ways, e.g. I'm a pretty decent sight-reader and sight-player (in dots-on-a-line and abc), AND I can also pick a tune up pretty quickly by ear Do I open both posts, one post, neither posts? And can't we turn this into a poll instead? Open neither, accept that I've voted for you, then it all comes right. Now this is a poignant post. The man who wrote the definitive guide to abc gets a bit confused and asks for guidance only to be answered (in the nicest possible way) by the one poster on concetina.net who really doesn't understand what abc is all about. Steve, meet Dirge. Dirge, meet Steve. Play nicely now!
Dirge Posted November 23, 2011 Author Posted November 23, 2011 That's more of a reply than I could think of. Hallo Steve...
Pete Dunk Posted November 24, 2011 Posted November 24, 2011 Where were we? Well, last seen you were in the High Peak. I presume that's Derbyshire. Dirge is in the Antipodes I believe, although, as I understand it he's a native Brit originally. You're a folky, Dirge seems to like pretty much anything other than folk which is fair enough as it largely reflects the views of the majority of people on the planet today. Charles Wheatstone was well known for being at the cutting edge of technology in his day. That's the legacy point where you start to converse ... Pete
Kautilya Posted November 24, 2011 Posted November 24, 2011 (edited) Where were we? Well, last seen you were in the High Peak. I presume that's Derbyshire. Dirge is in the Antipodes I believe, although, as I understand it he's a native Brit originally. You're a folky, Dirge seems to like pretty much anything other than folk which is fair enough as it largely reflects the views of the majority of people on the planet today. Charles Wheatstone was well known for being at the cutting edge of technology in his day. That's the legacy point where you start to converse ... Pete While you lot are wandering around like sheep on Kinder Scout or the green pastures of New Zealand the sight-reading Orcs of the Great Eye (more friendly to Dirge than he might be prepared to admit!)iin Mordor at Mt. Ruapehu NZ, have been at work and suddenly the ABC yea or neh, which was running more or less evenly and had got to about 90 vs 95 has leapt I do sight read easily.... 912 Views Nov 22 2011 12:44 PM I do NOT sight read easily 1 Reply 100 Views Maybe the pollster demanders should do a poll - I can't/ don't know how - that would be more difficult for me than writing out an ABC lettergram. (I don't do em, I just lov usin em. ) Edited November 24, 2011 by Kautilya
Steve Mansfield Posted November 24, 2011 Posted November 24, 2011 Maybe the pollster demanders should do a poll - I can't/ don't know how - that would be more difficult for me than writing out an ABC lettergram. (I don't do em, I just lov usin em. ) The forum help about setting a poll up is here http://www.concertina.net/forums/index.php?app=core&module=help&do=01&HID=21&hl=poll - and quite frankly yes I think I'd find it quicker to type an abc tune out that to do all that, especially as your posting-click based system seems to have produced some interesting results already. I'm mildly surprised it's as high as 912 / 100 in favour of the sight-readers, given the content discussions on the subject here and elsewhere, but that's what the evidence says!
Kautilya Posted November 24, 2011 Posted November 24, 2011 (edited) Maybe the pollster demanders should do a poll - I can't/ don't know how - that would be more difficult for me than writing out an ABC lettergram. (I don't do em, I just lov usin em. ) The forum help about setting a poll up is here http://www.concertina.net/forums/index.php?app=core&module=help&do=01&HID=21&hl=poll - and quite frankly yes I think I'd find it quicker to type an abc tune out that to do all that, especially as your posting-click based system seems to have produced some interesting results already. I'm mildly surprised it's as high as 912 / 100 in favour of the sight-readers, given the content discussions on the subject here and elsewhere, but that's what the evidence says! Ta. Definitely some devilish forces at work here - the Orcs (Open Reed Compositors by Sight), if it is they, are on overtime for Saruman and are now up overnight from 912 to 1172 Views.......... unless it is someone with the DTs (Danish tremens)who has got his finger on the reply key! Where are you Gandalf....!? Maybe this could do with some tina playing(as in old silent movie piano accompaniment... And that gives me an excuse to say there is no tina utube version (even from New Zealand, hint hint, squeeze squeeze) of Concerning Hobbits/In Dreams. I seem to remember having trouble finding an ABC for keyed flageolet for that, tho I now find a rather unappealing one for grand piano. http://www.thefatlute.com/viewsong.aspx?songid=1660 The gifted might find pleasure playing along to this chappie, but see how he has to switch instruments to get the full range This school certainly knows how to do it all, though no tina again.......... plain piano BTW what key is it? Edited November 24, 2011 by Kautilya
Kautilya Posted November 24, 2011 Posted November 24, 2011 Maybe the pollster demanders should do a poll - I can't/ don't know how - that would be more difficult for me than writing out an ABC lettergram. (I don't do em, I just lov usin em. ) The forum help about setting a poll up is here http://www.concertina.net/forums/index.php?app=core&module=help&do=01&HID=21&hl=poll - and quite frankly yes I think I'd find it quicker to type an abc tune out that to do all that, especially as your posting-click based system seems to have produced some interesting results already. I'm mildly surprised it's as high as 912 / 100 in favour of the sight-readers, given the content discussions on the subject here and elsewhere, but that's what the evidence says! Ta. Definitely some devilish forces at work here - the Orcs (Open Reed Compositors by Sight), if it is they, are on overtime for Saruman and are now up overnight from 912 to 1172 Views.......... unless it is someone with the DTs (Danish tremens)who has got his finger on the reply key! Where are you Gandalf....!? Maybe this could do with some tina playing(as in old silent movie piano accompaniment... And that gives me an excuse to say there is no tina utube version (even from New Zealand, hint hint, squeeze squeeze) of Concerning Hobbits/In Dreams. I seem to remember having trouble finding an ABC for keyed flageolet for that, tho I now find a rather unappealing one for grand piano. http://www.thefatlute.com/viewsong.aspx?songid=1660 The gifted might find pleasure playing along to this chappie, but see how he has to switch instruments to get the full range This school certainly knows how to do it all, though no tina again.......... plain piano BTW what key is it? Now at 2079 for yes I do sight read - must be a combined Superbowl, Wembley and Iduna Park choirs voting now.......
Dirge Posted November 25, 2011 Author Posted November 25, 2011 Concerning Hobbits/In Dreams. I seem to remember having trouble finding an ABC for keyed flageolet for that, tho I now find a rather unappealing one for grand piano. http://www.thefatlute.com/viewsong.aspx?songid=1660 The gifted might find pleasure playing along to this chappie, but see how he has to switch instruments to get the full range Keep those DAMNED HOBBITS AWAY from me, blast you.
Leo Posted November 25, 2011 Posted November 25, 2011 Definitely some devilish forces at work here - the Orcs (Open Reed Compositors by Sight), if it is they, are on overtime for Saruman and are now up overnight from 912 to 1172 Views.......... unless it is someone with the DTs (Danish tremens)who has got his finger on the reply key! Where are you Gandalf....!? Maybe this could do with some tina playing(as in old silent movie piano accompaniment... And that gives me an excuse to say there is no tina utube version (even from New Zealand, hint hint, squeeze squeeze) of Concerning Hobbits/In Dreams. I seem to remember having trouble finding an ABC for keyed flageolet for that, tho I now find a rather unappealing one for grand piano. http://www.thefatlute.com/viewsong.aspx?songid=1660 The gifted might find pleasure playing along to this chappie, but see how he has to switch instruments to get the full range This school certainly knows how to do it all, though no tina again.......... plain piano BTW what key is it? They're in the US
Dirge Posted November 25, 2011 Author Posted November 25, 2011 Dirge seems to like pretty much anything other than folk ... Untrue. I like a bit of folk once in a while; I even play a bit myself. "Dirge seems to like pretty much anything other than disco." is closer.
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