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The Big Stroll, Somerville, MA

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There is, it seems, A Thing happening in Somerville, MA, on September 17th. All I know is what the Facebook event page says:




Be part of the Boston area's first accordion & concertina festival on Sept. 17th! Squeezebox players of all shapes, sizes and musical interests are invited to come to Somerville and play/stroll/set up camp in the city's public spaces and parks from 12-3. No jury, no curation, kind of a flash mob for musicians. We are calling it "The Big Stroll". Then from 3-6 we will be hosting a free concert in Union Square as part of ArtsUnion. Produced by ARTSomerville, the Nave Gallery, and Michael McLaughlin. Made possible because of the awesome support of the Somerville Arts Council.


Dunno whether I'll be going--we expect to have a two-week-old (give or take a week) baby at that point--but it looks like it could be a good day.


Joshua Mackay-Smith

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There is, it seems, A Thing happening in Somerville, MA, on September 17th. All I know is what the Facebook event page says:




Be part of the Boston area's first accordion & concertina festival on Sept. 17th! Squeezebox players of all shapes, sizes and musical interests are invited to come to Somerville and play/stroll/set up camp in the city's public spaces and parks from 12-3. No jury, no curation, kind of a flash mob for musicians. We are calling it "The Big Stroll". Then from 3-6 we will be hosting a free concert in Union Square as part of ArtsUnion. Produced by ARTSomerville, the Nave Gallery, and Michael McLaughlin. Made possible because of the awesome support of the Somerville Arts Council.


Dunno whether I'll be going--we expect to have a two-week-old (give or take a week) baby at that point--but it looks like it could be a good day.


Joshua Mackay-Smith



Hmm, sounds interesting! I don't use facebook anymore so I couldn't actually visit that page (thanks for posting the info), but I managed to find this one from the Somerville Arts Council. Scroll down on the page, and there's a note with a pic.


Edit added:

This is on the same weekend as NESI (The Northeast Squeeze-In), which is way out on the other side of the state in western Massachusetts. But, probably there are a lot of people, like me, who could do the Somerville thing easily but not western Mass.

Edited by bellowbelle
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