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Help me make sense of my anglo layout?


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This is pulling together some other things from other threads. I am currently getting my head round this concertina - I love it, but i am sure there is an internal logic that I'm only seeing part of, being less musically minded than the average person (when it comes to dots and theory). It is a G/D with a lot of extra buttons. What I have found is that playing in A major and B minor are as easy as playing in G and D and in Bm especially all those extra drones add a lot. Can anyone see any other convenient scales? I have corrected the layout I posted earlier and this one should be correct (if odd). I tend to play by shape and pattern in the "English" anglo style.


Any input much appreciated.



Edited by gavdav
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My goodness, Gav. What a lot of buttons! I shall look forward to seeing it in the flesh sometime!

My first thought is that Em should be pretty easy. The basic triad E G B is there on the D-row and the scale would follow the same pull-push pattern as Am on the G-row.

Then, you say you are already getting to grips with C major once you've got the bellows directions learnt. Similarly, F major and it's relative D minor ought to be possible, but I'd sooner play in those keys on the C/G anglo.




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Got bored, after waiting five minutes for the link.


Sorry guys - maybe someone more technically minded can explain it. It takes about eight seconds to come up on my connection but all the image links on the site seem slower today than usual.

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I'm puzzled, especially by the collection of "drones" at the bottom.

Could you precise in which octave are these notes ?


Left hand is the octave below the standard bass notes, right hand is the octave of the D row treble notes.

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Left hand is the octave below the standard bass notes,


I assume that the A is just one step above the bottom G ; to me this makes sense to have it

in both directions. On a C/G this would be a low D and this is the note I miss the most.

On the other hand, I'm questionning the interest of the next ones : B and C (equivalent to E and F on C/G)

are already present, in a single direction, but in my playing I have never wished to have them reversed.

Bb is a new note but is it helpful in both directions ? To me having all these notes in both

directions is in some way a waste, considering that other low notes (G# and C#) are missing and

could have been added (in a single direction)


right hand is the octave of the D row treble notes.


To me this is even more puzzling : most of these notes are already present, some already in two

locations. There may have been one but I can't see the logic for this.

Edited by david fabre
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As far as I can see most of the notes facilitate chording and single direction runs - a very different style of playing to normal on an anglo (for me!) and I guess designed to open up more duet-like possibilities.

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