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I've got the revised list of North America Schools and concertina events posted here. Many have their details up earlier than they used to do a few years ago. The one gap is Irish Arts Week in East Durham, N.Y.; if you know/hear anything about that one, drop me a note.


Spring is now nearly as busy as summer, events run from March through September.


I'm not in the know for other parts of the world, but my offer to post a list by someone else stands, or see the ICA web site.




Here is the info for Catskills week:


"Larry Reeves messaged me about your site listing classes now so want to let you know that the 16th annual CIAW will be taking place July 11-17, 2010 with classes from Monday to Friday. Our concertina classes will be taught by Edel Fox, Caitlinn Nic Gabhann and Msgr. Charlie Coen. We may add another section and teacher if the demand is there. Registration will open in February pending website upgrade and inquiries can be sent to irishartsweek@gmail.com.

Paul Keating/Artistic Director"

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