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Found 12 results

  1. If you are around the DC Metro area this week and want a diversion from all the insanity: Randy Stein Music for Solo English Concertina Caboose Cafe, Thursday Jan 19th 6:30 - 8:30 and again at The Happy Tart, Sunday Jan 22nd 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM New Acoustic Traditions returns to the Grounded Coffee Shop Saturday January 20th Featuring The Squeezers 12:30-1:20 Lyssna (a Scandi trio) 1:30 - 2:30
  2. I hope to institute an ongoing acoustic music venue here in Alexandria, VA at the Grounded Coffee Shop. This cafe regularly supports live music every Sunday. It tends toward duos and trios with a country influence. The owners have agreed to try out a more folk oriented music venue. The first is Saturday Oct 29th from 1:00- 4:00 PM. There will be three diverse musical groups playing (including the Squeezers). See the attached flyer and I hope you can make it. rss
  3. Appearing at DC Folk Music Festival in Glen Echo Park THE SQUEEZERS Jim Besser - Anglo Concertina Gus Voorhees - Melodeon Randy Stein - English Concertina Bill Brown– Vocals Saturday June 4th, 2016 4:00 PM on the Yurt Village Stage http://fsgw.org/myorgnet/public.php?Org=fsgw&ProgramID=10&NoTitle=1
  4. Jim Besser and I on and off play various current artists pieces. Jody being one of them. We took two of Jody's tunes that we play and put them into a short set: Fickle Moon and Pumpkin Moon. This recording was at a rehearsal with just the two of us. Notice the difference in the sounds of the two different systems and the way we do our phrasing. https://soundcloud.com/user827948939/fickle-moonpumpkim-moon
  5. The Squeezers playing the Morris tune "Step Back" at the 2015 FSGW Mini-Fest . Jim Besser - Anglo Concertina Gus Voorhees - Melodeon Randy Stein - English Concertina Cyndy Elliot - Bass http://youtu.be/uJS2GE9Y2cI
  6. The attached is from our gig at St Elmo's Coffee Pub. We played again at the DC Music Festival a couple weeks ago and I can't seem to get it out of my head. Haunting tune and its in 9/8 time. rss https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_rvy6jLmh4&list=PLlaiiiD-Y1Eko2P1si8qhhF4HjfwJHYaK&index=3
  7. This is a shameless plug for a new CD of all original music my mate Gus Voorhees, the melodeon player in our group the Squeezers. Very cool and Gus plays all the instruments. Support these young musicians and buy their music! http://gusvoorhees.bandcamp.com/album/blossoms
  8. Here is a small snippet of our group the Squeezers from yesterdays performance at the DC Folf Music Festival. It was a beautiful day and a great venue. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=cRbCjKrETx0
  9. Appearing at May Revels Celebration at the Strathmore THE SQUEEZERS Jim Besser - Anglo Concertina Gus Voorhees - Melodeon Randy Stein - English Concertina Saturday May 4, 2014 12:30 PM and 3:00PM Free to the Public Strathmore, 5301 Tuckerman Ln, North Bethesda, MD 20852 http://www.revelsdc.org/events-calendar.html
  10. Appearing at St Elmo’s Coffee Pub THE SQUEEZERS with Jim Besser - Anglo Concertina Gus Voorhees - Melodeon Randy Stein - English Concertina With Special Guests: Gerry Hemming - Guitar and Bill Brown - Singer of English Music Hall Ditties Wednesday April 23, 2014 8:00 — 10:00 PM St Elmo’s Coffee Pub 2300 Mt Vernon Ave, Alexandria, VA (in the heart of Del Rey) Featuring traditional tunes from different cultures, jazz and pop standards, tangos, English music hall songs and more, we celebrate the incredible versatility of bellows-driven free-reed instruments. Visit us on Facebook
  11. About a year or so ago Jim Besser and I started playing together and found music and ways to make the anglo and the EC work nicely together. We then added the young and very talented melodeon player, Gus Vorhees and started the Squeezers. Our repertoire seems to defy categorizing as we play an eclectic selection of styles and music from genres, and time periods.. In searching YouTube I found several groups and bands that have a concertina in them or the lead is a concertina or accordion. There are groups like Rachel Hall's Concertina Orchestra, the Bootle Concertina Band and others that have more than one free reed player in the group. Also a few that have Chemitzer concertinas Like Bill Czerniak Band. So anyone else have a group of multiple free reed instruments currently performing? If so what is it, where are you, and what kind of music do you play? rss
  12. Recently Jim Besser gave me the dots to Tra Veglia E Sonno, an Italian mazurka, to learn for our group The Squeezers. I have played the tune for years in the key of G minor which evidently is not a very good key for Anglo. So the music he gave to me is in Dm/D. Now its not a difficult piece so much that for so many years I played it in one key that transposing to a different key turned out to be a challenge at first, causing a bit of a brain freeze. Finally, after playing in the new key over and over, I began to structure my previous arrangement and even found some additional phrasing and chord structures. Nice to know the kid's still learning. just saying.... rss
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