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  1. Marcus 1.mp3Marcus 1.mp3Travel concertina, great for practice when you’re away or just a good basic instrument for day to day use. its small (5”) but plays just like a normal size anglo , the extra button C#/ Eb makes a massive difference to the normal 20 button Anglo. 7 fold bellows + recently tuned & serviced by Marcus . In tune , in good condition , sweetheart concertina, with Marcus travel bag check the Marcus music web site for more info £1000 + shipping
  2. Very nice , very basic , good all round condition . Has the extra button ( B / C# ) Ideal for singing with , well looked after , in tune ( concert pitch ) probably made in the late 40's for the export market . donation to concertina .net, if it sells here. £400 plus shipping at cost , no case but will be well packed.
  3. Black Satin Finish, Upgraded Tipo a Mano reeds Modified Jeffries (Kensington) layout I bought this new in October, 2017 to play while recovering from an elbow injury because of its very light weight and easy action. I’m back to playing my traditionally reeded instrument and can’t afford to keep two C/Gs. It’s essentially like new, except that the bellows are nicely played in, and there is a bit of patina on the fretwork around the most commonly played buttons. Also, there are a pair of slight “dimples” on the fretwork where microphones were attached (see photo-just right of label). It comes with the Button Box hard case. This is a fast, responsive box, and the upgraded reeds are very “concertina-like” in tone. The Kensington layout http://www.kensingtonconcertinas.com/standard-layout/ is particularly well suited for ITM style playing, but I used it as an all rounder, playing English and Contra repertoire as well. For more info, including videos, visit the Button Box website. Note that the video is of the standard reed model, not the TAM reeds offered here. This was US $2745 (Can $3560) new, plus shipping and tax. I’m now asking US $2100 plus shipping. New price is US $1950 plus shipping. This would be a particularly good deal for a fellow Canadian because there would be no HST. I am in the Hamilton/Toronto area and could meet up locally for try-outs.
  4. This is a somewhat regrettable listing for sale of this instrument which was purchased through the good auspices of the Forum just one year ago for my wife. From the outset it appeared that she may have some difficulties 'handling it' due to having very small hands and so it has proved to the extent that it is actually causing her discomfort to persist with. It is, as per the title, a 64 key, Lachenal 'New Model' Mccann Duet, information supplied at the time of purchase indicates that the lay-out suggests it was an exhibition or special order model, the serial number is 1865. It is typical in it's construction, black ebonised ends, silver buttons, rivet hinged levers. The bellows are in excellent order and it is very air-tight. All buttons sound as they should and are appropriately responsive. There are signs of superficial wear to the finish around some more regularly used buttons (historic) and one small piece of edge veneer missing which, as I understand it has been missing for many years. The instrument comes with the original hand straps which are verging on un-serviceable due to age - previous / old stitched repairs are evident. The straps currently fitted are home produced for 'squirrel sized' palms, but it will also be provided with a brand new set of leather 'blocked' hand straps from Mark Lloyd-Adey which have not been fitted. The original Lachenal lined leather case will come with it. It is still viable, but more so for display and the instrument itself has the benefit of a purpose built lined/padded concertina case. I am going to 'borrow with pride' ( aka 'pinch' ) a couple of links to the instrument in action as posted with the original sale listing. http://www.nonce.dk/4C.net/Maccannic/TG2-MP3-003 Maruxa.mp3 http://www.nonce.dk/4C.net/Maccannic/TG2-MP3-001 Argeers,Christina.mp3 Any questions, please make contact by PM. I do intend to list on Ebay in due course if no one within the Forum family is interested, but it will not be for a week or two as we are Wessex Folk Festival next week. I would be happy to post to the Uk, Europe, or 'Worldwide' at cost and at an agreed level of insurance bearing in mind the limitations in cover for damage in transit. I am not sure I known enough to put a value on the instrument other than to seek to cover our outlay, so would be happy to find a new home for it at £1500. Am having some trouble with image loading, so hopefully pictures will follow in #2
  5. Used 30 key Stephanelli CG Anglo with case and tutor books. One previous owner. All buttons play and it is in tune. £80 plus delivery. Now sold
  6. I have one by Niall Vallely and one by Alan Day. Here's your chance to pick them up dirt cheap. $20 for both shipped CONUS.
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