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Found 3 results

  1. I am a beginner trying to learn to play the Elise, Hayden Duet concertina. I choose the duet because from what I read, it was the easiest to learn to play and was a good choice for solo playing. Living 25 miles from the nearest town, playing for my own enjoyment is my only real option. I’ve been through the lesson book that came with the instrument, but I am finding additional sheet music for this instrument to be non-existent. Playing by ear is a non-starter for me; I need to see the notes to play. There seems to be a lot of lesson books and music written for a 30 key Anglo, I am beginning to think I made a mistake choosing this duet. But before I give up on the Elise, I would like to find out: 1. Can anyone recommend any beginner lesson books or where I can purchase sheet music for the 34 key Hayden Duet? 2. I would like to play some Sea Shanties, does anyone know of a book or sheet music with the lyrics for this music? 3. What sheet music written for a different instrument would be best to play with a duet concertina? Thanks, Damman
  2. Greetings, first post here as I've just acquired my first concertina about a week ago, a 30 button C/G Rochelle anglo. First thing I did was buy Gary Coover's new shanty book and his Civil War book (which I discovered while looking for Sea of Thieves sheet music, great work on Grog Mayles, Gary!) However, I have been unable to find any good sheet music for The Dreadnought, I've heard some great renditions of it, obviously one being Ewan McColl and the other being an instrumental of a version by Robert White & Tim Laycock, searchable on google under "The Dreadnought Tea Clipper" as well as an mp3 attached. I'm interested in finding some form of sheet music for any version that doesn't just provide the melody, but extremely interested in this "Tea Clipper" version. Any help would be appreciated! The Dreadnought Tea Clipper.mp3
  3. Hey all.... I like to spend my vacation time volunteering on tall ships. I was thinking of learning to play the concertina to entertain people during tours etc. I used to play trombone/bass back in highschool but haven't had much music experience since. I was leaning towards getting an English concertina cause it just sounded easier to play with one button doing one note reguardless of whether you're pushing or pulling but my understanding is that in the age of sail (18th/19th century) Anglo styles were commonplace on ships. Soooo, my big question is since my primary draw to concertinas is to entertain people with sea shanties on tall ships A) what kind of concertina would be most historicly accurate and are there any good song books or training videos out there specific to sea shanties/nautical music.
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