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Found 5 results

  1. Just in time for your Christmas wish list, Steve Schulteis's wonderful musical offering of church hymns arranged in the harmonic style for C/G Anglo concertina - Praise the Lord and Pass the Concertina - is now available in paperback from Red Cow Music and Amazon! All tunes have notation and tablature, along with full lyrics and QR code links to many of the tunes. A couple of the videos are already available on YouTube, like this one: Steve is already playing some of these tunes in his church, so now you can too. Here are the hymns you can now learn on the Anglo concertina: Abide With Me, Alas and Did My Savior Bleed, All Creatures of Our God and King, All Glory Laud, and Honor, Amazing Grace, An Evening Hymn, Angels From the Realms of Glory, As With Gladness Men of Old, Be Still My Soul, Be Thou My Vision, Beautiful Savior, Blessed Assurance, Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing, Come Thou Long Expected Jesus, Come to Calvary’s Holy Mountain, Come Ye Sinners Poor and Needy, Crown Him With Many Crowns, Doxology, Hark the Voice of Jesus Calling, Holy Holy Holy, How Can I Keep From Singing?, How Firm a Foundation, I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day, I Love to Tell the Story, I Need Thee Every Hour, Immortal Invisible, In the Cross of Christ I Glory, It Is Well With My Soul, Jesus Christ Is Risen Today, Just As I Am, Leaning On the Everlasting Arms, Lord Jesus Think on Me, Love Divine All Loves Excelling, Nearer My God to Thee, Nothing But the Blood, O For a Thousand Tongues, O God Our Help In Ages Past, O Holy Night, O Sacred Head Now Wounded, O Worship the King, Ride On Ride On In Majesty, Softly and Tenderly Jesus is Calling, Sweet Hour of Prayer, The Church’s One Foundation, The Law and Gospel, The Old Churchyard, Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus, What a Friend We Have in Jesus, When I Survey the Wondrous Cross, Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring. A fabulous book, which will hopefully bless many players and congregations in the years to come! Gary
  2. Traditional English Session Tunes, is now available for all instruments, and includes 65 tunes commonly found in English music sessions. Every tune also has easy tablature for C/G Anglo concertina so you can play along in the most common session keys of G and D. And this was the really fun part of making this book - it has over 100 QR code links to videos of a variety of traditional musicians – from field recordings to pub sessions, solo fiddlers to loud folkrock. You can now easily play along with the exhilarating version of the "Dorset Four Hand Reel" by Will Allen and Martin Clarke, or the brash Tiger Moth version of "Seven Stars". It also includes many videos by our melodeon brethren including Lester Bailey, Gavin Atkin, Ed Rennie, Bob Cann, Roger Watson, and Anahata, plus the Abingdon Morris Dancers and even Bellowhead! THE TUNES: A Hundred Pipers, Albert Farmer’s Bonfire Tune, Astley’s Ride, Banbury Bill, Banks of the Dee, Beatrice Hill’s Three-Handed Reel, Bonny Breast Knot, Bonny Kate, Brighton Camp, Buttered Peas, Captain Lanoe’s Quick March, The Chestnut Tree, Clee Hill, Curly-Headed Ploughboy, Donkey Riding, Dorset Four Hand Reel, Dorsetshire Hornpipe, Down the Road, Durham Rangers, Enrico, The Fiery Clockface, Fairy Dance, Galopede, Grandfather’s Tune, Harper’s Frolic, Horses Brawl, Hunting the Hare, Huntsman’s Chorus, Jamie Allen, Jenny Lind, Keel Row, Lemmy Brazil’s No. 2, Linnen Hall, Little Diamond, The Man in the Moon, Michael Turner’s Waltz, New Rigged Ship, Off She Goes, Orange in Bloom, The Oyster Girl, Portsmouth, Princess Royal, The Quaker, Rakes of Mallow, The Railway, Redowa Polka, Rochdale Coconut Dance, Rogue’s March, The Roman Wall, The Rose Tree, Roxborough Castle, Salmon Tails up the Water, Scan Tester’s Polka No. 2, Seven Stars, Shepton Mallett Hornpipe, The Sloe, Smash the Windows, Speed the Plough, Three Around Three, Tip Top Polka, Uncle Bernard’s, Walter Bulwer’s Polka No. 1, Walter Bulwer’s Polka No. 2, Winster Gallop, Woodland Revels, Young May Moon. Available now from Red Cow Music in the UK, and Amazon worldwide in paperback. (A Kindle version will be available shortly.) This would make a great Christmas gift for the aspiring session player, and could help them get ready for the awesome Sheffield Session Festival this coming April. In honor of the recent Bonfire Night, here are the dots and the audio of "Albert Farmer's Bonfire Tune" from a session at the Six Bells in Bishops Castle recorded back in 1987: https://youtu.be/eyuNHvVvDrw Enjoy! Gary Albert-Farmers-Bonfire-Tune-D.pdf
  3. Barbara Steinger, from Akkordeonschule Aarau in Switzerland has just published 86 Swiss & German Folksongs for Anglo Concertina through Rollston Press, available worldwide on the various Amazons. It's in German and Romansh, with English translations of the introductory sections, with Romansh and German lyrics. All songs have QR code links to YouTube videos of Barbara and students from the school playing the tune. Attached is a list of the tunes included, along with a nice easy sample from the book. They actively teach concertina as well as accordion at Akkordeonschule Aarau, and it's been a real pleasure working with them on this book! Gary Le-Vieux-Chalet.pdf Swiss-German-songs.pdf
  4. In flagrant disregard for the obvious anachronism... here's a new book, Pirate Songs for Concertina, with nearly 70 songs and tunes. All include standard musical notation, lyrics, and tablature for the Anglo concertina. It's available through Amazon US, UK, DE, ES, IT, FR, CA, etc., and perhaps soon at the Button Box (US) and Red Cow Music (UK). I've had a few requests for a nautically themed book, but with all the recent pirate-themed movies, TV shows and online games it just made sense to go full-on piratical for this one. And who knows, perhaps fans of some of those shows and games will be interested in picking up and learning the real thing? Some songs have harmonies and accompaniments, some are just single note melody, and one song can even be played with only two buttons of the Anglo. Also threw in a couple of hornpipes and jigs. About 80% can be played on a 20-button Anglo, and most have a small graphic showing which buttons are needed for each tune. And the best, and most fun, part of writing this book? The writin' all be in pirate-speak. Aye, 'tis tempting indeed to give up speakin' and writin' proper English fer good! Here's a sample that includes the Table of Contents plus a couple of the songs. Hope you enjoy, Gary Pirate-Songs-SAMPLE.pdf
  5. The Jeffries Duet Concertina Tutor is finally here, and only 100 years too late! Published by Rollston Press, 198 pages, available through Amazon worldwide in paperback and Kindle eBook. It features over 80 tunes arranged for a 50-button Jeffries Duet, from super simple to ridiculously difficult, from folk to classical to British Music Hall, including many transcribed from Michael Hebbert's landmark recording The Rampin' Cat. Michael provided much help and encouragement, as did Gavin Atkin, Hidetoshi Yamashita, Erik House, Stuart Estell, and several others graciously sent photos of their instruments, many of which are featured in the book and in color on the back cover. Many of the tunes are also linked to YouTube videos and Soundcloud audio clips via QR codes, and can be found on a "Jeffries Duet" playlist on YouTube. Attached is the Table of Contents plus a couple of the tunes. With luck, perhaps this notation system which uses a hybrid mix of notes and abc pitches might also work for other duet systems? Believe it or not, there really is a logical system to the Jeffries Duet that makes it just great fun to play - this book makes sense of its eccentricities and will quickly get everyone playing a wide variety of tunes. Special thanks to Greg Jowaisas for suggesting this project and for being so nice and persistent about it over the years! Cheers, Gary Jeffries-Duet-Tutor-TOC.pdf JDT-Auld-Donald.pdf JDT-Galopede.pdf
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