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Found 4 results

  1. Lewes Saturday Folk Club Workshop No 267 EMMANUEL PARISELLE & RICHARD BURGESS: FRENCH & SCANDINAVIAN DANCE TUNES WORKSHOP for any instrument Places £35 (2 under-25-year-olds £17) Saturday 18th. May 2019 10.45 a.m. - 4.45 p.m. Elephant & Castle White Hill Lewes BN7 2DJ Emmanuel is one of the best melodeon players in France, a singer & an expert in French regional dance music. He also plays a specially-designed 'Franglo' concertina. He has taught at Hands-On Music & regularly leads melodeon-building weeks for EATMT in Suffolk. Richard, originally from Kent, sings & plays guitar & English concertina. He has spent all his adult life in Norway & is a key figure in the country's folk music scene, drawing on Scandinavian & English traditions. The workshop will focus on learning tunes, chiefly from South-Western France & some from the Norwegian-Swedish border, placing them in their cultural contexts & looking especially at different strategies for chordal & rhythmic accompaniment. The advance music is now ready to be sent out. EMMANUEL PARISELLE & RICHARD BURGESS PERFORM AT LEWES SATURDAY FOLK CLUB IN THE EVENING (£10; advance tickets available) Provisional Timetable 10.45 Registration & coffee; please order lunch at the bar (refreshments not included). 11.00 Introductions. Presentation of plan for the day. Learning French tunes. 1.30 Lunch 13.30 Brief intro on types of Scandinavian dance tunes, then learning some. 15.00 Tea/coffee break 15.15 Playing accompaniment, rhythmic & chordal variations. Ensemble playing. 16.45 Finish N.B. Booking is recommended as numbers are limited. Some music will be sent in advance, & maps & accommodation lists on request. PARISELLE & BURGESS FRENCH & SCANDINAVIAN DANCE TUNES WORKSHOP Saturday 18th. May 2019 BOOKING FORM I would like to attend the workshop. I enclose a cheque for £35.00 (refreshments not included). Email first for youth rate. Name: Address: Instrument: No. of tickets for evening performance (£10 each, include SAE for these): Telephone: E-mail address: Tick for map: Tick for accommodation list: Please make cheques payable to Lewes Saturday Folk Club and send with this booking form to: Valmai Goodyear, 20, St. John's Terrace, LEWES, East Sussex BN7 2DL 01273 476757 valmaigoodyear[at]aol[dot] www.lewessaturdayfolkclub.org/
  2. Lewes Saturday Folk Club Workshop No 269 SANDRA KERR CONCERTINA & SONG WORKSHOP (any system) www.sandrakerr.net Places £35 (2 under-25-year-olds £17) Sunday 23rd. June 2019 10.45 a.m. - 4.45 p.m. Elephant & Castle White Hill Lewes BN7 2DJ Sandra Kerr has long been a brilliant & influential singer & player of the English concertina, since with her days with Ewan MacColl's Critics Group. A versatile musician with a fine, expressive voice, she is also an accomplished songwriter & has been a core tutor on the Newcastle University Traditional Music degree course. Sandra has recorded with many fine performers including her daughter Nancy Kerr & James Fagan. She also co-wrote the music for the children's TV series Bagpuss. The workshop will focus on creative accompaniment for the voice using any concertina system, & also a short session on the tunes Sandra recorded with Vic Gammon on the highly entertaining CD Early Scottish Ragtime. Some music will be sent in advance. ON SATURDAY EVENING 22 JUNE SANDRA KERR PERFORMS AT LEWES SATURDAY FOLK CLUB (£9; advance tickets available from from http://www.lewessaturdayfolkclub.org/LAFC/WS269book.html) Provisional Timetable 10.45 Registration & coffee; please order lunch at the bar (refreshments not included) 11.00 Creative accompaniment: After a warm-up designed specifically for concertina players, Sandra will demonstrate some of the ways she uses the instrument on traditional & contemporary songs, de-constructing them, & helping you to achieve something similar. 12.30 Lunch 13.30 Your accompaniments: after a brief play through some tunes (Northumbrian - dots supplied) to warm up, we'll listen to some of your accompaniments, & look at ways of developing them or doing something different - or of starting from scratch on an agreed piece. 15.00 Tea/coffee break 15.15 To finish the day, we'll play some catchy & unusual tunes (identified by Vic Gammon as 'Early Scottish Ragtime'...!) & see if we can make them swing! 16.45 Finish N.B. Booking is recommended as numbers are limited. Maps, music & accommodation lists will be sent in advance. SANDRA KERR CONCERTINA & SONG WORKSHOP (any system) Sunday 23rd. June 2019 BOOKING FORM I would like to attend the workshop. I enclose a cheque for £35.00 (refreshments not included). Email first for youth rate. Name: Address: Instrument: No. of tickets for Saturday 22nd. June evening performance (£9 each, include SAE for these): Telephone: E-mail address: Tick for map: Tick for accommodation list: Please make cheques payable to Lewes Saturday Folk Club and send with this booking form to: Valmai Goodyear, 20, St. John's Terrace, LEWES, East Sussex BN7 2DL 01273 476757 valmaigoodyear[at]aol[dot] www.lewessaturdayfolkclub.org/
  3. Mandy Murray & Aisling Murray, Lewes Saturday Folk Club Saturday 7th. May 8:00 - 11.00 p.m. Elephant & Castle, Lewes, East Sussex BN7 2DJ www.lewessaturdayfolkclub.org Mandy Murray is an all-Ireland champion Anglo concertina player and fine singer. Her daughter Aisling Murray is also a delightful concertina player and intelligent, sensitive singer of mainly Irish traditional songs. Mandy runs wonderful Irish music sessions in Brighton which attract top local and visiting musicians. She is featured on the definitive set of Anglo concertina CDs 'Anglo International'. Mandy and Aisling will give us two forty-five minutes spots and the rest of the evening is filled by members of the audience performing a song or tune if they wish. Everyone is welcome, especially if you'd like to sing or play. We mostly sing and play traditional music from the British Isles, but we enjoy other styles as well. We always start off with some English dance tunes for anyone with an instrument to join in. We have a loyalty card. Six visits earn you £5 off an evening when admission is £5 or more. It's £6 tonight. Bring instruments to join in some Irish tunes as well.
  4. Lewes Saturday Folk Club Workshop No 199 JODY KRUSKAL US OLD-TIME & VINTAGE MUSIC for all concertina systems www.jodykruskal.com Saturday 15th. November 2014 10.45 a.m.- 4.45 p.m. Places £35 Elephant & Castle White Hill Lewes BN7 2DJ Direct from Brooklyn NY, Jody is a master of the unruly Anglo concertina, squeezing out vintage US tunes & songs that are hilarious, gritty & true - about train wrecks, wrecked marriages, Death Row convicts, lonesome lovers, heroes, losers, braggarts & idlers, often with strong bluesy flavours & fine choruses. The workshop will present a few American old-time songs & tunes for learning, simple techniques to get that American sound & develop elements of style & accompaniment. Also, participants are asked to prepare a song or tune of their choice (it doesn’t have to be American) to present to the group. Some music will be sent out in advance. JODY KRUSKAL PERFORMS AT LEWES SATURDAY FOLK CLUB IN THE EVENING (£7; advance tickets available from address at the end of this post and from the club website) Provisional Timetable 10.45 Registration & coffee; order lunch (refreshments not included) 11.00 Learn a few American old-time tunes that sound great on any squeezebox. 12.30 Lunch 13.30 American style & accompaniment techniques that fit the new tunes we’ve learned. 15.00 Tea/coffee 15.15 - 16.45 Everyone gets a chance to present a tune or song for creative comments & suggestions. N.B. Booking is recommended as numbers are limited. Maps & accommodation lists will be sent on request. JODY KRUSKAL US OLD-TIME & VINTAGE MUSIC for all concertina systems Saturday 15th. November 2014 BOOKING FORM I enclose a cheque for £35.00 for workshop fees (refreshments not included). Name: Address: Concertina system: No. of tickets for evening performance (£7 each, include SAE for these): Telephone: E-mail address: Tick for map: Tick for accommodation list: Please make cheques payable to Lewes Saturday Folk Club and send with this booking form to: Valmai Goodyear, 20, St. John's Terrace, LEWES, East Sussex BN7 2DL Tel. (01273) 476757 valmaigoodyear@aol.com www.lewessaturdayfolkclub.org/
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