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Found 3 results

  1. Hi Concertina.net, So I'm a beginner player, an have recently bought a C/G 30 button Anglo Concertina. I'm enjoying learning it despite initial slow progress, but have some questions in regards to a few things that are confusing me. I should preface this by saying please excuse any incorrect terminology/assumptions or stupid questions, I'm starting from absolute square 1. 1) My first question is about the the layout of the notes on sheet music, and on the keys of the concertina. On my concertina, some of the notes next to each other on the leys are not next to each other when written on sheet music, and vice versa. For example, Note 5, pulled on row C of my left hand is G. One of the notes next to it however (Note 4 on the same row) is also a G, this is confusing as these 2 notes would be nowhere near each other on sheet music? Similarly, in the key of C when written on sheet music, the pushed G which would be played on my right hand is note 3 of row C, and the next note (the pulled A) is note 2 of row G. Not to mention the fact that to play certain keys, you have to switch hands? Is there an intuitive pattern behind this this layout of Notes, or do I simply have to remember a rather illogical layout? 2) My seconded question is also similar. I am confused by the roles of the clefs. On a Piano, for example, I believe that each clef is effectively just detailing what side of middle C that set of notes is, and it is therefore an even split with the amount of notes a part of each clef, when playing a piano. However on my concertina it appears that every note on the right hand and half on the left side, is under the treble clef? Could this be explained? 3) Thirdly is a question about the speed of play. Most of the songs in the books I'm learning out of are Irish folk songs and are played very fast. Is there a trick and how to play at an adequate speed (no doubt practice), as I'm finding it difficult to even move the bellows quick enough. Also, while I'm not at this stage in playing yet, it won't damage the instrument if multiple keys are played at the same time? Thank you for reading and apologies if anything sounds particularly stupid, like I said at the start I'm a complete beginner to concertina, and music generally (I'v played a little piano and ukulele but only the basics). I look forward to improving and practicing more. Thanks!
  2. Hello all! I recently bought myself a 30 button C/G concertina from gear4music and the coveted Concertina in the Harmonic Style by Gary Coover which has been great so far. I have however hit my first major snag. I was having a crack at For Ireland I'd not tell her name, got to the 3rd bar/measure and no matter what I try I always run out of air before I can start bar 5. I make sure to pull the bellows beforehand as much as possible to maximise air. I tried playing slow and quiet but then I go too slow and the reeds don't sound. It's very frustrating but I don't want to give up so soon on my learning journey. Any tips or ideas would be greatly appreciated
  3. Hi Everyone, I bought my first concertina this fall and this site has been very helpful. Thank you. I'm working on 3/4 time tunes, mainly English ones. I can play melodies, but find chords very challenging. I've read 'Faking it' but need more help. Is anyone familiar with the 'Anglo Concertina Tutor Book' by Pip Ives? There is also the 'Anglo Concertina Course' from the Concertina Academy, but I couldn't find which key it is for. Am I correct in thinking that which key the tutor is written for is very important to a new learner with very little musical experience? Would these books be helpful to a new learner? Thank you.
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