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  1. DC Ambiance performs Anniversary Song
  2. For the upcoming Concertina Day Celebration, my Jazz Manouche group, DC Ambiance, has a prerecorded concert for those who enjoy swing jazz in the style of Django Reinhardt. We setup in a church basement on a old worn stage and recorded a live performance (no audience other than the people doing audio and video recording). The video will premier on the morning of Feb 6th.
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  4. https://www.bbcbar.com/event-details/dc-ambiance-an-evening-with-gypsy-jazz
  5. Recently my jazz trio, DC Ambiance, performed a private event with our new vocalist, Victoria Jones. It was wildly fun and we were exceptionally received. For the vocalist we had to make a lot of new arrangements in different key signatures than we're used to (sorry Anglo players, Eb, Fm, and yes, B major). Not too difficult on the EC but it did make modal chord changes a bit more challenging. All in all a great time. We have more upcoming gigs with her as well.
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    DC Ambiance performs three sets on Sunday, Sept 29 6:00 - 9:00 PM at Bourbon Boulevard Jazz Supper Club Reservations Suggested.
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    Swing to the hot club sounds of DC Ambinance at Lost Boy Cider Sunday, June 2nd 6:00 - 8:00 PM Free to the public.
  8. My jazz manouche group, DC Ambiance, is performing live for the show THE WORLD OF NOTA & ZITA This is the story of two immigrant sisters who became an international sensation only to die in obscure poverty. The music is arranged and performed by DC Ambiance. The performance is on Saturday April 13th . Pre Show music starts at 8:00 PM with the performance starting at 8:30. . The performance is free but seating is limited on a first come first serve basis. DC ArtOmatic is a festival free to the public with 800 visual artists and over 200 performers celebrating the Festival's 25th Anniversary. It is truly a swell time!
  9. DC Ambiance performs Django Reinhardt's Douce Ambiance in Concert Feb 14, 2024 Buco and Bill Parmentier - Guitar Jason Gekker - Bass Randy Stein - English Concertina
  10. My Django swing style group, Lezards de Salon, is performing on Friday, July 14th 6:30 - 8:30 at the Lost Boy Cider Pub. 317 Hooffs Run Drive, Alexandria, VA , USA. https://www.lostboycider.com/event/bastille-day-party/
  11. Yesterday my swing jazz group, DC Ambiance, was featured at the Washington Folk Festival on the Yurt Village Stage. Photos by Jeffrey MacMillan.
  12. MY FAVORITE THINGS was composed by Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II for The Sound Of Music in 1959. This is a live recording from a performance on Feb 13, 2020 at the Restaurant and Wine Bar, Blend 111. Buco Cavar and Bill Parmentier - Guitar Alex Novak - Upright Bass Randy Stein - English Concertina
  13. Based on the classic gypsy jazz standard Bossa Dorado by Dorado Schmitt. I had a dream that my group played this as a tango. Woke up and played it as I heard it. I used the recording app Soundtrap to record a rhythm and then lead. Listen to Tango Dorado EC by user827948939 on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/j56b
  14. Gypsy Jazz Jamm Porch Concert Featuring Lezards Des Salon Sunday, Oct 18th. 3:00-4:30 pm 1109 Crestwood Drive Alexandria, VA Facemasks and Social Distancing Apply No charge
  15. Gypsy Jazz Jam Porch Concert on Aug 30th. Excuse the misspelling on YouTube. Auto spell.
  16. Inspired by Gegor Maekic's solo performance of this tune I decided to post a live performance of the same. From the the 1959 Musical Sound of Music by Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein. DC Ambiance: Buco and Bill Parmentier - Acoustic Guitar Alex Nowack - Upright Bass Me - Wheatstone English Concertina
  17. Written in 1991 by the famed guitarist Stochelo Rosenberg. Performed live at Blend 111 DC 1-30-2020 Listen to For Sephora by DC Ambiance on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/dcambiance/for-sephora
  18. Performed by DC Ambiance live at Blend 111 Cafe, January 9th. Jitterbug Waltz written by Fats Domino,1942. Buco Cavar and Bill Parmentier - Guitar Randy Stein - English Concertina Listen to Jitterbug Waltz (live at Blend 111, Vienna VA) by DC Ambiance on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/dcambiance/jitterbug-waltz-live-at-blend-111-vienna-va
  19. About 6 years ago I decided to dedicate myself to developing a way to play and perform in the swing jazz style of Django Reinhardt, the famed swing European jazz guitarist. A few years ago I was lucky enough to plug into a weekly gypsy jazz jam session. While the EC was at first a bit of an oddity in this musical venue I slowly received acceptance and began to get offers to gig. That led to Buco Cavar, a well known jazz guitarist in the area, inviting me to be part of DC Ambiance and we've been performing our arrangements ever since. DC Ambiance is performing Wednesday December 18th at the Bossa Bistro Lounge from 8:00 - 10:00. This is a major DC music venue. There is a small cover charge for the musicians. Come swing in the holiday season with us and support live music. Will be a fun night for sure!
  20. DC Ambiance will perform at Grounded Coffee Shop 6919 Telegraph Road Alexandria, VA https://groundedcoffeeshop.com/ Saturday Dec 7th 1:00-3:00 PM Open to the public Great food and drink Come swing with us Bill Parmentier and Buco - Guitar Randy Stein - English Concertina
  21. Sway Performed in Concert by DC Ambiance Buco and Bill Parmentier - Guitars Shawn Simon - Upright Bass Randy Stein - English Concertina https://soundcloud.com/user827948939/sway-performed-by-dc-ambiance-in-concert-7-7-18
  22. This is from yesterdays rehearsal with DC Ambiance in preparation for Saturdays concert. The tune is Blue Drag written in 1935 by Django Reinhardt. https://soundcloud.com/user827948939/blue-drag-practice-7-3-19 Moved from previous posting
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