Hello, I'm looking for information/experience with certain make of concertina. I'm looking at this website: https://www.fabbricaconcertine.com/eng/catalogs-concertine.html
I'm interested in finding out more about the W-15 LN model listed under Diatonic Concertine with 30 Keys. I think they may be known as the Stagi W-15 LN. It looks like they are made to order, but they don't list any price estimates. Does anyone know how much one might expect to pay for this model new, from this seller? (Sorry that I'm not yet very familiar with the brand's history, maker, etc.)
Context if you're curious: I'm relatively new to concertina, and hoping to upgrade from a cheap 20b Amazon one that is pretty flimsy and shrill to a nicer one that will last, if I can manage it with my budget. So far I like to play harmonic music, and I'm trying to find a 30b Anglo C/G concertina. I'm willing to buy used, but for now I need to decide what make of concertina would best suit my criteria.