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Found 2 results

  1. Greetings! I've spent a lot of time reading so many posts on this forum, and wanted to start by saying hello, and also, a big thanks to all of you for making such a wonderfully supportive and informative online community. I got fixated on playing concertina 2 years ago, and my lovely husband got me a cute (cheap) Chinese one off eBay. It's a 20 key anglo. It was fun at first, but I realized I was limited to the pirate shanty/Irish jig kind of music and just didn't get very far because I couldn't play the music I wanted to play. PLEASE, no offense to anyone here, but I'm just ... not into playing Irish music. After a lot of research, I think what I want is a duet. I initially thought my budget was $500, which seems to limit me to the Elise. I've read a lot of people's reviews saying that it's super limiting and that people outgrow within a year and that frustration with the instrument can be discouraging. Unfortunately, my limited music knowledge makes it hard for me to understand what aspects of the Elise's limitations could be dealbreakers for me ("you can't play *name that note*" doesn't help if I don't understand when I might need that note). I guess I'm looking advice about: should I be patient and save money to increase my budget to, say $1,000 (or, does it need to be more?), or just get started playing, buy the Elise, understanding I'll want to upgrade. If I am patient and save my money, then what style do I want. I'm super overwhelmed by the varieties of keyboard arrangements (Maccann versus Hayden), compounded by all the variations of numbers of keys available. Important background info: I know how to read music, but am rusty, and I definitely don't remember music theory. I am able to figure out basic tunes by ear (I play bass very badly, and played piano and flute years ago). I get discouraged by toooo steep of an initial learning curve. I'd like to be able to plunk out some basic tunes fairly quickly. I also don't intend on playing music in a group. I really just want to play on my own (to serenade my cats, lol). And, BIG thanks to the person here that compiled the huge list of duet concertina music. It was SO helpful to me. This song is a great example of the type of music I'd like to play.
  2. Hello, I'm posting for my friend "Boney" as his Jeffries is now out of the shop and he's ready to part with his Rochelle, which also comes with a soft case. He had us do some improvements such as enlarging the air button to 5/8".... he was finding it hard to push/pull. Also the screws for the ends have been improved and he's broken in the bellows nicely. 2 sets hand straps included. He's asking $325.00 obo, plus shipping Thanks for looking, Annette www.LivingTreeMusic.com
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