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Found 12 results

  1. A fun tune to play. The chord progression from C, to CAug, to C6, and finally to C7 is unique to me (at least in my musical experience). Very bouncy. Birabuto_Kingdom.pdf
  2. Sounds a bit like Hushabye Mountain in my opinion. But that's not a bad thing! A piece of music I really enjoy listening to, and was very satisfying to play. Lots of awkward chords to walk down with the left hand in this piece. Surprisingly still doable on a 30 button anglo though. MiphasTheme-BreathOfTheWild.pdf
  3. A Christmas-adjacent tune, from a snowy level in a video game. The original sounds sort of like an Irish Jig, with whistle and violin. Perfect for a concertina.
  4. It's coming into Christmas, so it's Christmas tune time! Not a movie from my own personal childhood, but it was for my partner. Still a nice tune to play, can't go wrong with a bit of John Williams. Somewhere_In_My_Memory.pdf
  5. Another video game classic tune, from the Game Boy games that started it all. Nothing too difficult to play here. Some of the F chords are lacking the F and more heavily on the C, but it's due to bellows direction constraints. Sheet music coming shortly! PokemonOpening.pdf
  6. Taking inspiration from Łukasz Martynowicz who arranged a version on the Hayden duet, who in turn took inspiration from a version on the Bandoneon. Liked the sound so much that I attempted to get a version working for the Anglo Concertina. Sadly my concertina does not have a low D, and so the initial 'Oom-pah-pah-oom-pah' sections use a higher D on the last 'oom'. If you have a lower D, can probably easily substitute it in here. This song was easier to arrange than it was to play; there are some quite unusual and difficult finger positions on the left hand. All in all, happy with the arrangement, it keeps the key and rhythm of the original. The_Last_Waltz,Oldboy.pdf
  7. Been arranging two songs for the concertina, both from indie movie soundtracks. Think I'm happier with Laura's theme than Stuck on the Puzzle. Wanted to do Emily's Theme as well, but it wasn't sounding quite right on a concertina. Most of the main characters in Brick have a theme for when they're on screen. Laura's theme is one of my favourites. Alex Turner of Arctic Monkeys fame did Stuck on the Puzzle, along with the rest of the Submarine soundtrack. All acoustic stuff, well worth a listen. Stuck_on_the_Puzzle_(Intro).pdf Laura's_Theme.pdf
  8. Spoooooky season is upon us, and for the occasion I have done an arrangement of Vampire Killer from the Castlevania game series. It gets a bit hairy-scary around bars 5 and 6. My concertina does not have a low D (D3), so D4 is as low as I can go there on the bass. If you have a D3, I'd suggest swapping to that during this part, it will sound more coherent with the bars 1-4. The beginning of bar 6 in general just requires too much in too many different directions (G#, F and B♭), but it sounds alright if you play if fast enough. VampireKiller-Castlevania.pdf
  9. A game from my childhood, with quite a nice theme song. Damn C#s on melody with F# chords on harmony! Animal_Crossing_Wild_World_Title_Theme__Kazumi_Totaka_Anglo_Concertina.pdf
  10. A certified hood classic. Mii_Channel.pdf
  11. He's Strong, he's bold, and on a quest for gold! The best sea cap' around, or so I'm told! A real man of the sea! Another arrangement from Zelda I'd like to share with you today. Really happy with getting the "descending notes" parts going alongside some held notes (at 0:03 and 0:41). Some really awkward finger positions for this one too. Hope you like it. LinebecksTheme-PhantomHourglass.pdf
  12. Hello Concertina.net, Caitlín Nic Gabhann here. I hope life is treating you well? I hope you don't mind me posting this here... I'm trying to get the word out about an upcoming Irish tour .. It starts on Aug 25th and runs until Sept 30th. Here's where we'll be: Thurs 25 Aug CLONAKILTY De Barra's 9pm Fri 26 Aug GLENGARRIFF Park Hotel 8pm Sat 27 Aug GLEN OF AHERLOW Tigh Roy 8pm Sun 28 Aug ABBEYLEIX Heritage House 7.30pm Thur 1 Sept BALLYJAMESDUFF The Museum 8pm Fri 2 Sept DUBLIN Seamus Ennis Centre 8.30pm Wed 7 Sept WESTPORT Matt Molloys 8pm Thur 8 Sept DUNDALK Oriel Centre 8pm Wed 14 Sept SLIGO Hawkswell 8pm Wed 21 Sept CLIFDEN Church of Ireland 1pm Fri 23 Sept GALWAY The Crane 9.30pm Sat 24 Sept COROFIN Teach Ceoil 8.30 Thur 29 Sept CARRICK-ON-SHANNON The Dock 8.30pm Fri 30 Sept BELFAST Cultúrlann 8pm Facebook event for the tour: https://www.facebook.com/events/1648800342100490/ Please invite your friends!!! We really appreciate all the help in getting the word out about this upcoming tour. My music page: https://www.facebook.com/CaitlinNicGabhann/ MUCH APPRECIATED / Míle Buíochas, Caitlín
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