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  1. until
    Scandinavian Squeeze-In April 26-28, 2018 (last full weekend in April) In Skåne (southern Sweden).  Not a school nor a festival, but a weekend of squeezers sharing with and learning from each other. See our website for more information and important details.
  2. Here's a wedding march from Leksands (Dalarna) which I've become very fond of. https://youtu.be/15BK_rnevvM Enjoy, Mark Gilston https://www.markgilston.com/
  3. Scandinavian Squeeze-In April 22-24, 2016 (last full weekend in April) This will be our 17th annual SSI. Once again in the main scout house at Gamlegård, in Torna Hällestad, Skåne (southern Sweden). All squeezers and would-be squeezers are invited. (In fact, non-squeezers and even non-musician accompanying persons are welcome if they don't mind our obsession.) Please see our web site -- http://www.nonce.dk/SSI/ -- for much more information. -------- In addition to here, I've posted the notice in the concertina.net Calendar (accessible through the menu at the top of this page), in the Announcements forum, and also in the Teaching and Learning forum, since that's a lot -- though not all -- of what we do on the weekend. (Overkill, perhaps, but I don't know who looks where for information.) It's also listed on the ICA web site's Events page and in their latest issue of Concertina World magazine. And I'll welcome any further suggestions as to worthwhile places to post the notice.
  4. Scandinavian Squeeze-In April 22-24, 2016 (last full weekend in April) Like our inspiration, America's Northeast Squeeze-In (NESI), we have no pre-arranged instructors. Instead, we share our knowledge and experience, with participants among themselves matching up "I want to learn" with "I can teach", or even a "let's compare notes" (pun acknowledged) seminar format, to construct a workshop schedule. Something you've always wanted to learn but for which you haven't found a teacher or source, just ask. You could get lucky, as others have in the past. And now it's even possible to ask in advance. Please see our web site -- http://www.nonce.dk/SSI/ -- for much more information.
  5. April 22-24, 2016 (last full weekend in April) This will be our 17th annual SSI. All squeezers are invited. Further information can be found on our web site: http://www.nonce.dk/SSI/ This event has also been posted in the concertina.net Calendar (accessible through the menu at the top of this page)
  6. Hi all, I was wondering if anyone knows where I can find more information about the conceritina in Sweden. Was it called something other than concertina? I've looked in the National Library catalog but I can't find anything. Found this old website http://www.concertina.se/ but there isn't much left of it.
  7. Once again, we're holding our annual gathering in southern Sweden. It's the third weekend in April, and we're taking bookings now. For more about the weekend, both the why and the how, please see the SSI web site. (Thanks to Paul and Ken, the concertina.net Calendar is again working, and I've now posted our squeeze-in there, as well.)
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