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Found 3 results

  1. A while ago I started trying to make an app that would help me learn different scales and puzzle through different chord options on my Anglo without excessive hunting-and-pecking. I eventually arrived at something that worked well enough for my purposes. It doesn't do much and could be a lot better, but I figured it might be of some use to folks here: anglopiano.com NB, I added several keyboard layouts that I don't personally own. They're based on charts I found here and there on the internet, so do please tell me if you see anything amiss. In particular, I couldn't find a 40-button G/D Wheatstone chart, so I extrapolated based on the C/G one I found. Hope this is useful, let me know what you think.
  2. I originally posted this as a comment, but I'm finding it so useful, I thought it worth adding in its own post! For those of you with iPads, I swear by an app called forScore (http://forscore.co/). At its core it is a digital storage system for written music, however it has many features that I think are useful for concertina playing and learning. You can add mp3 files to the music, slow down the playback by 1/2 or 1/4 speed, loop the entire track, or just loop sections as you learn. You can also annotate sheet music too, and it offers many common tools to help. Oh and it has a metronome It has been (and will be) invaluable for my learning, and I hope it helps you too. It's only £7.99 ($9.99) too, which I think is very reasonable. They have an iPhone version, but obviously there are limitations to a smaller screen. I am in no way being paid to endorse this app - just think it is really great! Cheers! Will
  3. Here is a link to an automated Excel spreadsheet I made. This helps the Anglo concertina players to play chords on their instrument. It shows the chord constitution and where to play it on the keyboard. There are two sheets in the document, one for a vertical representation of the keyboard and one for a horizontal representation. I hope this can help some of you. https://www.dropbox.com/s/718h0grux4n66wb/ConcertinaChordsEn_VH.xlsm?dl=0
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