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Found 8 results

  1. I am looking for a Wheatstone McCann duet concertina 6 sided raised metal ends
  2. Hello everyone, I have been asked by a friend of dear (and much missed) Vernon Barrett, to post this, as he has no internet access. I am not taking any commission or any money for posting this, but I hope that this beautiful instrument can find a new home and continue to make music. Vernon Barrett bought this very nice Wheatstone & Co McCann Duet in reasonable condition but in old philharmonic pitch and needing replacement bellows. As he wanted a wooden ended instrument, we made new ends finished in beautiful Amboyna wood with hand cut fretwork and with new boxwood button stems with genuine Wheatstone gold plated button caps( new from Harry Minting's Wheatstone parts stock). New bellows in dark green goatskin were made by Rosalie Dipper. The instrument is now tuned in modern A=440 Hz pitch. The instrument has been very carefully looked after by Vernon for the last thirteen years or so and is in "as-new" condition. The Amboyna veneers used were the largest and only veneers we have ever had like this, and so the instrument really is one of a kind. Realistically, if we were to make an exact copy of this instrument then I can't really see that we could break even on costs if we charged much under £10,000. (I heard on the radio today, that you could only just afford a bottle of single malt whisky for the same price - I know what I would chose!) Sadly, there is not that much demand for Duets, so I guess the price will be less than that. If you are interested, please contact me. Best wishes to all, and happy squeezing, John
  3. I've just started playing again after a long break-don't ask it's personal-I realised that I was pretty bad-so I got out my loose leaf Stanley's McCann tutor-copied from Stanley's personal copy-75 pages with a further 25 pages of additional exercises and have started to work my way through it again.!.Not too many have seen this. The tutor was originally lent me by Ruben Shaw who would be delighted to know others were using it.The tutor was written on imperial sized paper-my local photocopying guy is reducing this down to A4 for me so it can be easily copied.I believe that this should be in the public domain and to that end am prepared to get it photocopied for people who want it for the cost of the photocopying and some postage.The tutor is great -I once could play through it-ah well I'm on page 16 again?.this tutor is better than the Rutherford one -I have that too if you want a copy get in touch and please let others have it as neccessary. The price in the UK looks like about £ 10 plus a bit of postage.If you can play all of this tutor you can probably play Anything!
  4. Has anyone noticed eBay item # 132025131856 ? (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/old-LACHENAL-CONCERTINA-ACCORDION-39-keys-English-Make-patent-No-4752/132025131856?_trksid=p2050601.c100607.m4280&_trkparms=aid%3D111001%26algo%3DREC.SEED%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D37140%26meid%3Dac9066a2bc99434fa44977d076f34489%26pid%3D100607%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D4%26sd%3D322114455891) The seller says that there are buttons missing; but that doesn't seem to be correct. There are the same number of buttons as there are valves. But the buttons seem to have come from an older English concertina and have been arranged in random fashion (or latterly wrongly positioned) into a cut-down McCann. Anyone have any comments?
  5. Can anyone explain the drunken layout of this Wheatstone McCann? http://www.ebay.com/itm/142129156661?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  6. A nice-looking Wheatstone is coming up for auction at George Kidner's in Wimborne, Dorset on Thursday 3rd March. Presumably a McCann. Fine metal ends and 8 fold bellows. Serial number 32064.
  7. Hi everyone. I´m sure I´m not the first Maccann player who ask this. I have been playing this system for a year now and I have the feeling of not getting better. There are no videos I could find of Maccann duet teaching and there are only a couple videos on Youtube of people playing it. Also living in Buenos Aires, Argentina does not help. I´m the only concertina player in maybe the whole country (and this is a big country) So I would be very thankful to anyone who can give me some tips or info. Anyone giving lessons online? Thank you so much!
  8. My Lachenal Maccann duet arrived yesterday! I got it as a backup concertina to take with me everywhere. I bought it from Chris Algar like my previous Wheastone Maccann. I have to say it is always a pleasure deal with Mr. Algar. Sounds great and I´m finding bone buttons to be more comfortable than metal buttons. I love these small 46b duets. Easy to carry and easy to play stand up. Perfect for singing accompaniment. pics:
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